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Author Bugedo, G.; Tobar, E.; Alegria, L.; Oviedo, V.; Arellano, D.; Basoalto, R.; Enberg, L.; Suarez, P.; Bitran, E.; Chabert, S.; Bruhn, A.
Title Development of mechanical ventilators in Chile. Chronicle of the initiative "Un Respiro para Chile Type
Year 2023 Publication Revista Medica de Chile Abbreviated Journal Rev. Med. Chile
Volume 150 Issue 7 Pages 958-965
Keywords COVID-19; Critical Care; Respiration; Artificial; Ventilators; Mechanical
Abstract At the beginning of the COVID-19 pandemic in Chile, in March 2020, a projection indicated that a significant group of patients with pneumonia would require admission to an Intensive Care Unit and connection to a mechanical ventilator. Therefore, a paucity of these devices and other supplies was predicted. The initiative “Un respiro para Chile” brought together many people and institutions, public and private. In the course of three months, it allowed the design and building of several ventilatory assistance devices, which could be used in critically ill patients.
Corporate Author Thesis
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ISSN 0034-9887 ISBN Medium
Area Expedition Conference
Notes WOS:000968680000014 Approved
Call Number UAI @ alexi.delcanto @ Serial 1797
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