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Author Tiwari, AK.; Suozzi, E.; Silva, C.; De Maio, M.; Zanetti, M.
Title Role of Integrated Approaches in Water Resources Management: Antofagasta Region, Chile Type
Year 2021 Publication Sustainability Abbreviated Journal Sustainability
Volume 13 Issue 3 Pages 1297
Keywords hydrology; thematic maps; DEM; mines; pollution risk; GIS
Abstract Water is essential for the survival of all living beings and plays a significant role in the growth of any country ' s economy. At present, water depletion and pollution are a serious challenge due to anthropogenic, geogenic and climate change activities worldwide, including in Chile. The Antofagasta region is located in northern Chile and is the heart of its mining industry, playing a significant role in the country ' s economy. The Antofagasta region ' s main challenge is water shortage and contamination. Due to it, the region ' s local population is facing major difficulties in obtaining the necessary water for domestic, industrial, irrigation, and other uses. Therefore, a water resources management plan is essential for the region to maintain a sustainable environment. Considering the above points, significant parameters, such as slope, aspect, elevation, hillshade, drainage, drainage density and river basin-maps of the Antofagasta region prepared using the digital elevation model (DEM) data in geographic information system (GIS) environment. Besides, a pollution risk level assessment of the study area ' s cities/villages done using GIS application. The important created maps and the identification of pollution risk of cities/villages of the present study could provide significant information to policymakers and help them make a suitable water management plan for the area.
Corporate Author Thesis
Publisher Place of Publication Editor (up)
Language Summary Language Original Title
Series Editor Series Title Abbreviated Series Title
Series Volume Series Issue Edition
ISSN 2071-1050 ISBN Medium
Area Expedition Conference
Notes WOS:000615612700001 Approved
Call Number UAI @ alexi.delcanto @ Serial 1333
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