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Author Navarro, A.; Favereau, M.; Lorca, A.; Olivares, D.; Negrete-Pincetic, M.
Title Medium-term stochastic hydrothermal scheduling with short-term operational effects for large-scale power and water networks Type
Year 2024 Publication Applied Energy Abbreviated Journal Appl. Energy
Volume 358 Issue Pages 122554
Keywords OR in energy; Hydrothermal scheduling; Optimization under uncertainty; Renewable energy; Stochastic dual dynamic programming
Abstract The high integration of variable renewable sources in electric power systems entails a series of challenges inherent to their intrinsic variability. A critical challenge is to correctly value the water available in reservoirs in hydrothermal systems, considering the flexibility that it provides. In this context, this paper proposes a medium -term multistage stochastic optimization model for the hydrothermal scheduling problem solved with the stochastic dual dynamic programming algorithm. The proposed model includes operational constraints and simplified mathematical expressions of relevant operational effects that allow more informed assessment of the water value by considering, among others, the flexibility necessary for the operation of the system. In addition, the hydrological uncertainty in the model is represented by a vector autoregressive process, which allows capturing spatio-temporal correlations between the different hydro inflows. A calibration method for the simplified mathematical expressions of operational effects is also proposed, which allows a detailed shortterm operational model to be correctly linked to the proposed medium -term linear model. Through extensive experiments for the Chilean power system, the results show that the difference between the expected operating costs of the proposed medium -term model, and the costs obtained through a detailed short-term operational model was only 0.1%, in contrast to the 9.3% difference obtained when a simpler base model is employed. This shows the effectiveness of the proposed approach. Further, this difference is also reflected in the estimation of the water value, which is critical in water shortage situations.
Corporate Author Thesis
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ISSN 0306-2619 ISBN Medium
Area Expedition Conference
Notes WOS:001154000300001 Approved
Call Number UAI @ alexi.delcanto @ Serial 1946
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