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Author (up) Cordova, S.; Canizares, C.; Lorca, A.; Olivares, D.E.
Title An Energy Management System With Short-Term Fluctuation Reserves and Battery Degradation for Isolated Microgrids Type
Year 2021 Publication IEEE Transactions on Smart Grid Abbreviated Journal IEEE Trans. Smart Grid
Volume 12 Issue 6 Pages 4668-4680
Keywords Batteries; Computational modeling; Degradation; Energy management; Microgrids; Generators; Regulation; Energy management system; short-term fluctuations; battery degradation; frequency regulation; microgrid operation
Abstract Due to the low-inertia and significant renewable generation variability in isolated microgrids, short time-scale fluctuations in the order of seconds can have a large impact on a microgrid's frequency regulation performance. In this context, the present paper presents a mathematical model for an Energy Management System (EMS) that takes into account the operational impact of the short-term fluctuations stemming from renewable generation rapid changes, and the role that renewable curtailment and batteries, including their degradation, can play to counter-balance these variations. Computational experiments on the real Kasabonika Lake First Nation microgrid and CIGRE benchmark test system show the operational benefits of the proposed EMS, highlighting the need to properly model short-term fluctuations and battery degradation in EMS for isolated microgrids with significant renewable integration.
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ISSN 1949-3053 ISBN Medium
Area Expedition Conference
Notes WOS:000709090100012 Approved
Call Number UAI @ alexi.delcanto @ Serial 1494
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Author (up) Cordova, S.; Canizares, C.A.; Lorca, A.; Olivares, D.E.
Title Aggregate Modeling of Thermostatically Controlled Loads for Microgrid Energy Management Systems Type
Year 2023 Publication IEEE Transactions on Smart Grid Abbreviated Journal IEEE Trans. Smart Grid
Volume 14 Issue 6 Pages 4169-4181
Keywords Load contro; energy management system; virtual battery; short-term fluctuations; frequency dynamics; microgrid operation
Abstract Second-to-second renewable power fluctuations can severely hinder the frequency regulation performance of modern isolated microgrids, as these typically have a low inertia and significant renewable energy integration. In this context, the present paper studies the coordinated control of Thermostatically Controlled Loads (TCLs) for managing short-term power imbalances, and their integration in microgrid operations through the use of aggregate TCL models. In particular, two computationally efficient and accurate aggregate TCL models are developed: a virtual battery model representing the aggregate flexibility of TCLs considering solar irradiance heat gains and wall/floor heat transfers, and a frequency transient model representing the aggregate dynamics of a TCL collection considering communication delays and the presence of model uncertainty and time-variability. The proposed aggregate TCL models are then used to design a practical Energy Management System (EMS) integrating TCL flexibility, and study the impact of TCL integration on microgrid operation and frequency control. Computational experiments using detailed frequency transient and thermal dynamic models are presented, demonstrating the accuracy of the proposed aggregate TCL models, as well as the economic and reliability benefits resulting from using these aggregate models to integrate TCLs in microgrid operations.
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ISSN 1949-3053 ISBN Medium
Area Expedition Conference
Notes WOS:001160583000045 Approved
Call Number UAI @ alexi.delcanto @ Serial 1959
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Author (up) Cordova, S.; Canizares, C.A.; Lorca, A.; Olivares, D.E.
Title Frequency-Constrained Energy Management System for Isolated Microgrids Type
Year 2022 Publication IEEE Transactions on Smart Grid Abbreviated Journal IEEE Trans. Smart Grid
Volume 13 Issue 5 Pages 3394-3407
Keywords Energy management; Time-frequency analysis; Generators; Batteries; Regulation; Microgrids; Computational modeling; Energy management system; short-term fluctuations; frequency regulation; frequency dynamics; microgrid operation
Abstract Second-to-second power imbalances stemming from renewable generation can have a large impact on the frequency regulation performance of isolated microgrids, as these are characterized by low inertia and, more commonly nowadays, significant renewable energy penetration. Thus, the present paper develops a novel frequency-constrained Energy Management System (EMS) that takes into account the impact of short-term power fluctuations on the microgrid's operation and frequency regulation performance. The proposed EMS model is based on accurate linear equations describing frequency deviation, rate-of-change-of-frequency, and regulation provision in daily microgrid operations. Dynamic simulations on a realistic CIGRE benchmark test system show the economic and reliability benefits of the presented EMS model, highlighting the need of incorporating fast power fluctuations and their impact on frequency dynamics in EMSs for sustainable isolated microgrids.
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ISSN 1949-3053 ISBN Medium
Area Expedition Conference
Notes WOS:000844161700010 Approved
Call Number UAI @ alexi.delcanto @ Serial 1634
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Author (up) Gacitua, L.; Olivares, D.; Negrete-Pincetic, M.; Lorca, A.
Title The role of fast-acting energy storage for contingency grid support in the transmission planning Type
Year 2023 Publication Energy Abbreviated Journal Energy
Volume 283 Issue Pages 128465
Keywords Fast-acting energy storage systems; Post-contingency grid support; Transmission network expansion planning
Abstract This paper investigates the role of fast-acting energy storage systems in transmission expansion planning, by allowing higher transfers through the network during normal operation. This is achieved by considering the ability of energy storage systems to provide real and reactive power reserves after forced single-circuit outages to prevent line overloading and voltage level violations in post-contingency states, and by applying the corrective N – 1 security criterion. A computational tool is presented to solve the multi-year transmission expansion problem with multiple scenarios of availability of renewable energy sources. The model is solved using the FICO Xpress software. The 2022-2037 Chilean transmission expansion plan is used as a case study, given the high need for flexibility to integrate 29.5 GW of new solar and wind generation capacity several hundred kilometers from its load center, with a system peak demand of 16.5 GW. The results obtained show that fast-acting energy storage systems reduce the cost of the investment plan by USD 712 million (-18%) mainly because it requires 5 GWh less of conventional storage capacity (-19%), allowing the system operator to increase the usage of the existing transmission network, and providing the central planner with a deferral option for the construction of new transmission lines.
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ISSN 0360-5442 ISBN Medium
Area Expedition Conference
Notes WOS:001055123700001 Approved
Call Number UAI @ alexi.delcanto @ Serial 1882
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Author (up) González-Castillo, M.; Navarrete, P.; Tapia, T.; Lorca, A.; Olivares, D.; Negrete-Pincetic, M.
Title Cleaning scheduling in photovoltaic solar farms with deterministic and stochastic optimization Type
Year 2023 Publication Sustainable Energy Grids & Networks Abbreviated Journal Sustain. Energy, Grids Netw.
Volume 36 Issue Pages 101147
Keywords Cleaning scheduling; Operations and maintenance; Optimization; Photovoltaic solar farms; Soiling
Abstract Soiling in solar panels causes a decrease in their ability to capturing solar irradiance, thus reducing the module's power output. To reduce losses due to soiling, the panels are cleaned. This cleaning represents a relevant share of the operation and maintenance cost for solar farms, for which there are different types of technologies available with different costs and duration. In this context, this paper proposes a method that allows scheduling the dates on which cleaning generates greater utility in terms of income from energy sales and costs associated with cleaning. For this, two optimization models that deliver a schedule of dates where the best income-cost balance is obtained, are proposed and compared: a deterministic Mixed Integer Linear Problem and a stochastic Markov Decision Process. Numerical results show that both models outperform the baseline case by similar to 4.6%. A simulator was built and both models were compared to the baseline case for 10,000 rainfall and irradiance scenarios. The stochastic model outperformed both models for all scenarios, thus proving that modeling rainfalls increases profitability in the face of uncertainty.
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Series Volume Series Issue Edition
ISSN 2352-4677 ISBN Medium
Area Expedition Conference
Notes WOS:001095657200001 Approved
Call Number UAI @ alexi.delcanto @ Serial 1904
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Author (up) Navarro, A.; Favereau, M.; Lorca, A.; Olivares, D.; Negrete-Pincetic, M.
Title Medium-term stochastic hydrothermal scheduling with short-term operational effects for large-scale power and water networks Type
Year 2024 Publication Applied Energy Abbreviated Journal Appl. Energy
Volume 358 Issue Pages 122554
Keywords OR in energy; Hydrothermal scheduling; Optimization under uncertainty; Renewable energy; Stochastic dual dynamic programming
Abstract The high integration of variable renewable sources in electric power systems entails a series of challenges inherent to their intrinsic variability. A critical challenge is to correctly value the water available in reservoirs in hydrothermal systems, considering the flexibility that it provides. In this context, this paper proposes a medium -term multistage stochastic optimization model for the hydrothermal scheduling problem solved with the stochastic dual dynamic programming algorithm. The proposed model includes operational constraints and simplified mathematical expressions of relevant operational effects that allow more informed assessment of the water value by considering, among others, the flexibility necessary for the operation of the system. In addition, the hydrological uncertainty in the model is represented by a vector autoregressive process, which allows capturing spatio-temporal correlations between the different hydro inflows. A calibration method for the simplified mathematical expressions of operational effects is also proposed, which allows a detailed shortterm operational model to be correctly linked to the proposed medium -term linear model. Through extensive experiments for the Chilean power system, the results show that the difference between the expected operating costs of the proposed medium -term model, and the costs obtained through a detailed short-term operational model was only 0.1%, in contrast to the 9.3% difference obtained when a simpler base model is employed. This shows the effectiveness of the proposed approach. Further, this difference is also reflected in the estimation of the water value, which is critical in water shortage situations.
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ISSN 0306-2619 ISBN Medium
Area Expedition Conference
Notes WOS:001154000300001 Approved
Call Number UAI @ alexi.delcanto @ Serial 1946
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Author (up) Rodriguez, R.; Negrete-Pincetic, M.; Lorca, A.; Olivares, D.; Figueroa, N.
Title The value of aggregators in local electricity markets: A game theory based comparative analysis Type
Year 2021 Publication Sustainable Energy Grids & Networks Abbreviated Journal SEGAN
Volume 27 Issue Pages 100498
Keywords Information; Flexibility; Potential game; Adaptive expectations method
Abstract Demand aggregators are expected to have a key role in future electricity systems. More specifically, aggregators can facilitate the harnessing of consumers' flexibility. This paper focuses on understanding the value of the aggregator in terms of aggregation of both flexibility and information. We consider the aggregation of flexibility as the ability to exercise a direct control over loads, while the aggregation of information refers to knowledge of the flexibility characteristics of the consumers. Several game theory formulations are used to model the interaction between the energy provider, consumers and the aggregator, each with a different information structure. We develop a potential game to obtain the Nash equilibrium of the non-cooperative game with complete information and we analyze the system dynamics of consumers using the adaptive expectations method in an incomplete information scenario. Several key insights about the value of aggregators are found. In particular, the value of the aggregator is mainly related to the aggregation of information rather than flexibility, and flexibility is valuable only when it can be coordinated. In this sense, prices are not enough to guarantee an effective coordination.
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Series Volume Series Issue Edition
ISSN 2352-4677 ISBN Medium
Area Expedition Conference
Notes WOS:000692827300020 Approved
Call Number UAI @ alexi.delcanto @ Serial 1399
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Author (up) Salgado, M.; Negrete-Pincetic, M.; Lorca, A.; Olivares, D.
Title A Low-complexity Home Energy Management System for Electricity Demand Side Aggregators Type
Year 2021 Publication Applied Energy Abbreviated Journal Appl. Energy
Volume 2021 Issue 294 Pages 116985
Keywords Home energy management system; Demand response; Load following; Demand aggregator
Abstract A low-complexity decision model for a Home Energy Management System is proposed to follow demand trajectory sets received from a Demand Side Response aggregator. This model is designed to reduce its computational complexity and being solved by low performance processors using available Single-Board Computers as a proof of concept. To decrease the computational complexity is proposed a two-stage model, where the first stage evaluates the hourly appliance scheduling using a relaxed set of restrictions, and the second stage evaluates a reduced set of appliances in a intra-hourly interval with a detailed characterization of the scheduled appliance properties. Simulations results show the effectiveness of the proposed algorithm to follow trajectories for different sets of home appliances and operational conditions. For the studied cases, the model presents deviations in the demand for the 3.2% of the cases in the first-stage and a 12% for the second-stage model. Results show that the proposed model can schedule available appliances according to the demand aggregator requirements in a limited solving time with diverse hardware.
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ISSN 0306-2619 ISBN Medium
Area Expedition Conference
Notes Approved
Call Number UAI @ alexi.delcanto @ Serial 1400
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Author (up) Salgado, M.; Negrete-Pincetic, M.; Lorca, A.; Olivares, D.
Title A low-complexity decision model for home energy management systems Type
Year 2021 Publication Applied Energy Abbreviated Journal Appl. Energy
Volume 294 Issue Pages 116985
Keywords Home energy management system; Demand response; Load following; Demand aggregator
Abstract A low-complexity decision model for a Home Energy Management System is proposed to follow demand trajectory sets received from a Demand Side Response aggregator. This model is designed to reduce its computational complexity and being solved by low performance processors using available Single-Board Computers as a proof of concept. To decrease the computational complexity is proposed a two-stage model, where the first stage evaluates the hourly appliance scheduling using a relaxed set of restrictions, and the second stage evaluates a reduced set of appliances in a intra-hourly interval with a detailed characterization of the scheduled appliance properties. Simulations results show the effectiveness of the proposed algorithm to follow trajectories for different sets of home appliances and operational conditions. For the studied cases, the model presents deviations in the demand for the 3.2% of the cases in the first-stage and a 12% for the second-stage model. Results show that the proposed model can schedule available appliances according to the demand aggregator requirements in a limited solving time with diverse hardware.
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ISSN 0306-2619 ISBN Medium
Area Expedition Conference
Notes WOS:000663303000007 Approved
Call Number UAI @ alexi.delcanto @ Serial 1427
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Author (up) Tapia, T.; Lorca, A.; Olivares, D.; Negrete-Pincetic, M.; Lamadrid, A.J.
Title A robust decision-support method based on optimization and simulation for wildfire resilience in highly renewable power systems Type
Year 2021 Publication European Journal Of Operational Research Abbreviated Journal Eur. J. Oper. Res.
Volume 294 Issue 2 Pages 723-733
Abstract Wildfires can pose a major threat to the secure operation of power networks. Chile, California, and Australia have suffered from recent wildfires that have induced considerable power supply cuts. Further, as power systems move to a significant integration of variable renewable energy sources, successfully managing the impact of wildfires on the power supply can become even more challenging due to the joint uncertainty in wildfire trajectories and the power injections from wind and solar farms. Motivated by this, this paper develops a practical decision-support approach that concatenates a stochastic wildfire simulation method with an attacker-defender model that aims to find a worst-case realization for (i) transmission line and generator contingencies, out of those that can potentially be affected by a given wildfire scenario, and for (ii) wind and solar power trajectories, based on a max-min structure where the inner min problem represents a best adaptive response on generator dispatch actions. Further, this paper proposes an evaluation framework to assess the power supply security of various power system topology configurations, under the assumption of limited transmission switching capabilities, and based on the simulation of several wildfire evolution scenarios. Extensive computational experiments are carried out on two representations of the Chilean power network with up to 278 buses, showing the practical effectiveness of the proposed approach for enhancing wildfire resilience in highly renewable power systems.
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ISSN 0377-2217 ISBN Medium
Area Expedition Conference
Notes WOS:000654955500021 Approved
Call Number UAI @ alexi.delcanto @ Serial 1402
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Author (up) Verastegui, F.; Lorca, A.; Olivares, D.; Negrete-Pincetic, M.
Title Optimization-Based Analysis of Decarbonization Pathways and Flexibility Requirements in Highly Renewable Power Systems Type
Year 2021 Publication Energy Abbreviated Journal Energy
Volume 234 Issue Pages 121242
Keywords Power Systems; Planning Decarbonization; Flexibility Optimization; Sustainability; Renewable Energy
Abstract Several countries are adopting plans to reduce the contaminant emissions from the energy sector through renewable energy integration and restrictions on fossil fuel generation. This process poses important computational and methodological challenges on expansion planning modeling due to the operational details needed for a proper analysis. In this context, this paper develops a planning model including an effective representation of the operational aspects of the system to understand the key role of flexible resources under strong decarbonization processes in highly renewable power systems. A case study is developed for the Chilean power system, which is currently undergoing an ambitious coal phase-out process, including the analysis of a scenario that leads to a completely renewable generation mix. The results show that highly renewable generation mixes are feasible, but rely on an effective balance of the key flexibility attributes of the system including ramping, storage, and transmission capacities. Further, such balance allows for faster decarbonization goals to remain in a similar cost range, through the deployment of flexible capacity in earlier stages of the planning horizon.
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Series Volume Series Issue Edition
ISSN 0360-5442 ISBN Medium
Area Expedition Conference
Notes WOS:000691804300015 Approved
Call Number UAI @ alexi.delcanto @ Serial 1398
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Author (up) Villalobos, C.; Negrete-Pincetic, M.; Figueroa, N.; Lorca, A.; Olivares, D.
Title The impact of short-term pricing on flexible generation investments in electricity markets Type
Year 2021 Publication Energy Economics Abbreviated Journal Energy Econ.
Volume 98 Issue Pages 105213
Keywords Electricity markets; Pricing schemes; Market incentives; Flexibility; Renewable energy
Abstract The massive growth in the integration of variable renewable energy sources is producing several challenges in the operation of power systems and its associated markets. In this context, flexibility has become a critical attribute to allow the system to react to changes in generation or demand levels. Thus, it is critical for market signals at both short and long term scales to include flexibility features, to align agents' incentives with systemic flexibility requirements. In this paper, different pricing schemes for short-term markets are studied, based on various relaxations of the unit commitment problem, including convex-hull approximations, with the aim of representing operational flexibility requirements in a more explicit way. Extensive simulations illustrate the performance of the proposed schemes, as compared to conventional ones, in terms of the capability of the system to properly incentivize flexibility attributes, resulting in better agents' cost recovery and more variable renewable energy utilization. The results show that short-term pricing schemes considered improve the long-term signals for flexible investments but additional changes to market design are still required. Thus, there is a need to revisit historical practices for pricing rules by incorporating additional flexibility-related attributes into them. Several alternatives are discussed and policy recommendations based on these considerations are provided.
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ISSN 0140-9883 ISBN Medium
Area Expedition Conference
Notes WOS:000659334500023 Approved
Call Number UAI @ alexi.delcanto @ Serial 1401
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