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Author (up) Jerez, D.J.; Jensen, H.A.; Valdebenito, M.A.; Misraji, M.A.; Mayorga, F.; Beer, M.
Title On the use of Directional Importance Sampling for reliability-based design and optimum design sensitivity of linear stochastic structures Type
Year 2022 Publication Probabilistic Engineering Mechanics Abbreviated Journal Probabilistic Eng. Mech.
Volume 70 Issue Pages 103368
Keywords Structural design; First excursion probability; Directional Importance Sampling; Optimum design sensitivity; Linear structures; Gaussian loading; Interior point algorithm
Abstract This contribution focuses on reliability-based design and optimum design sensitivity of linear dynamical structural systems subject to Gaussian excitation. Directional Importance Sampling (DIS) is implemented for reliability assessment, which allows to obtain first-order derivatives of the failure probabilities as a byproduct of the sampling process. Thus, gradient-based solution schemes can be adopted by virtue of this feature. In particular, a class of feasible-direction interior point algorithms are implemented to obtain optimum designs, while a direction-finding approach is considered to obtain optimum design sensitivity measures as a post -processing step of the optimization results. To show the usefulness of the approach, an example involving a building structure is studied. Overall, the reliability sensitivity analysis framework enabled by DIS provides a potentially useful tool to address a practical class of design optimization problems.
Corporate Author Thesis
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Series Volume Series Issue Edition
ISSN 0266-8920 ISBN Medium
Area Expedition Conference
Notes WOS:000896937400001 Approved
Call Number UAI @ alexi.delcanto @ Serial 1715
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