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Author Balocchi, F.; Galleguillos, M.; Rivera, D.; Stehr, A.; Arumi, J.L.; Pizarro, R.; Garcia-Chevesich, P.; Iroume, A .; Armesto, J.J.; Herve-Fernandez, P.; Oyarzun, C.; Barria, P.; Little, C.; Mancilla, G.; Yepez, S.; Rodriguez, R.; White, D.A.; Silberstein, R.P.; Neary, D.G.; de Arellano, P.R.
Title Forest hydrology in Chile: Past, present, and future Type
Year 2023 Publication Journal of Hydrology Abbreviated Journal J. Hydrol.
Volume 616 Issue Pages (down) 128681
Keywords Exotic plantations; Chilean native forests; Sediment yield; Water yield; Land use planning
Abstract This paper reviews the current knowledge of hydrological processes in Chilean temperate forests which extend along western South America from latitude 29 degrees S to 56 degrees S. This geographic region includes a diverse range of natural and planted forests and a broad sweep of vegetation, edaphic, topographic, geologic, and climatic set-tings which create a unique natural laboratory. Many local communities, endangered freshwater ecosystems, and downstream economic activities in Chile rely on water flows from forested catchments. This review aims to (i) provide a comprehensive overview of Chilean forest hydrology, to (ii) review prior research in forest hydrology in Chile, and to (iii) identify knowledge gaps and provide a vision for future research on forest hydrology in Chile. We reviewed the relation between native forests, commercial plantations, and other land uses on water yield and water quality from the plot to the catchment scale. Much of the global understanding of forests and their relationship with the water cycle is in line with the findings of the studies reviewed here. Streamflow from forested catchments increases after timber harvesting, native forests appear to use less water than plantations, and streams draining native forest yield less sediment than streams draining plantations or grassland/shrublands. We identified 20 key knowledge gaps such as forest groundwater systems, soil-plant-atmosphere interactions, native forest hydrology, and the effect of forest management and restoration on hydrology. Also, we found a paucity of research in the northern geographic areas and forest types (35-36 degrees S); most forest hydrology studies in Chile (56%) have been conducted in the southern area (Los Rios Region around 39-40 degrees S). There is limited knowledge of the geology and soils in many forested areas and how surface and groundwater are affected by changes in land cover. There is an opportunity to advance our understanding using process-based investigations linking field studies and modeling. Through the establishment of a forest hydrology science “society” to coor-dinate efforts, regional and national-scale land use planning might be supported. Our review ends with a vision to advance a cross-scale collaborative effort to use new nation-wide catchment-scale networks Long-term Ecosystem Research (LTER) sites, to promote common and
Corporate Author Thesis
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Language Summary Language Original Title
Series Editor Series Title Abbreviated Series Title
Series Volume Series Issue Edition
ISSN 0022-1694 ISBN Medium
Area Expedition Conference
Notes WOS:000899251700004 Approved
Call Number UAI @ alexi.delcanto @ Serial 1717
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