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Author Casassus, S.; Christiaens, V.; Carcamo, M.; Perez, S.; Weber, P.; Ercolano, B.; van der Marel, N.; Pinte, C.; Dong, R.B.; Baruteau, C.; Cieza, L.; van Dishoeck, E.F.; Jordan, A.; Price, D.J.; Absil, O.; Arce-Tord, C.; Faramaz, V.; Flores, C.; Reggiani, M. doi  openurl
  Title (up) A dusty filament and turbulent CO spirals in HD 135344B-SAO 206462 Type
  Year 2021 Publication Monthly Notices Of The Royal Astronomical Society Abbreviated Journal Mon. Not. Roy. Astron. Soc.  
  Volume 507 Issue 3 Pages 3789-3809  
  Keywords protoplanetary discs; accretion, accretion discs; planet-disc interactions  
  Abstract Planet-disc interactions build up local pressure maxima that may halt the radial drift of protoplanetary dust, and pile it up in rings and crescents. ALMA observations of the HD 135344B disc revealed two rings in the thermal continuum stemming from similar to mm-sized dust. At higher frequencies the inner ring is brighter relative to the outer ring, which is also shaped as a crescent rather than a full ring. In near-IR scattered light images, the disc is modulated by a two-armed grand-design spiral originating inside the ALMA inner ring. Such structures may be induced by a massive companion evacuating the central cavity, and by a giant planet in the gap separating both rings, that channels the accretion of small dust and gas through its filamentary wakes while stopping the larger dust from crossing the gap. Here we present ALMA observations in the J = (2 – 1) CO isotopologue lines and in the adjacent continuum, with up to 12 km baselines. Angular resolutions of similar to 0 ''.03 reveal the tentative detection of a filament connecting both rings, and which coincides with a local discontinuity in the pitch angle of the IR spiral, proposed previously as the location of the protoplanet driving this spiral. Line diagnostics suggests that turbulence, or superposed velocity components, is particularly strong in the spirals. The (CO)-C-12(2-1) 3D rotation curve points at stellocentric accretion at radii within the inner dust ring, with a radial velocity of up to similar to 5 per cent +/- 0.5 per cent Keplerian, which corresponds to an excessively large accretion rate of similar to 2 x 10(-6) M circle dot yr(-1) if all of the CO layer follows the (CO)-C-12(2-1) kinematics. This suggests that only the surface layers of the disc are undergoing accretion, and that the line broadening is due to superposed laminar flows.  
  Corporate Author Thesis  
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  Language Summary Language Original Title  
  Series Editor Series Title Abbreviated Series Title  
  Series Volume Series Issue Edition  
  ISSN 0035-8711 ISBN Medium  
  Area Expedition Conference  
  Notes WOS:000708848000046 Approved  
  Call Number UAI @ alexi.delcanto @ Serial 1484  
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Author Nogueira, P.H.; Zurlo, A.; Perez, S.; Gonzalez-Ruilova, C,; Cieza, L.A.; Hales, A.; Bhowmik, T.; Ruiz-Rodriguez, D.A.; Principe, D.A.; Herczeg, G.J.; Williams, J.P.; Cuadra, J.; Montesinos, M.; Cuello, N.; Chavan, P.; Casassus, S.; Zhu, Z.H.; Goicovic, F.G. doi  openurl
  Title (up) Resolving the binary components of the outbursting protostar HBC 494 with ALMA Type
  Year 2023 Publication Monthly Notices Of The Royal Astronomical Society Abbreviated Journal Mon. Not. Roy. Astron. Soc.  
  Volume 523 Issue 4 Pages 4970-4991  
  Keywords accretion; accretion discs; protoplanetary discs; stars: protostarsI; SM: jets and outflows; radio continuum: planetary systems; radio lines: planetary systems  
  Abstract Episodic accretion is a low-mass pre-main sequence phenomenon characterized by sudden outbursts of enhanced accretion. These objects are classified into two: protostars with elevated levels of accretion that lasts for decades or more, called FUors, and protostars with shorter and repetitive bursts, called EXors. HBC 494 is a FUor object embedded in the Orion Molecular Cloud. Earlier Atacama Large (sub-)Millimeter Array (ALMA) continuum observations showed an asymmetry in the disc at 0.“2 resolution. Here, we present follow-up observations at similar to 0.”03, resolving the system into two components: HBC 494 N (primary) and HBC 494 S (secondary). No circumbinary disc was detected. Both discs are resolved with a projected separation of similar to 0."18 (75 au). Their projected dimensions are 84 +/- 1.8 x66.9 +/- 1.5 mas for HBC 494 N and 64.6 +/- 2.5 x46.0 +/- 1.9 mas for HBC 494 S. The discs are almost aligned and with similar inclinations. The observations show that the primary is similar to 5 times brighter/more massive and similar to 2 times bigger than the secondary. We notice that the northern component has a similar mass to the FUors, while the southern has to EXors. The HBC 494 discs show individual sizes that are smaller than single eruptive YSOs. In this work, we also report (CO)-C-12, (CO)-C-13, and (CO)-O-18 molecular line observations. At large scale, the (CO)-C-12 emission shows bipolar outflows, while the (CO)-C-13 and (CO)-O-18 maps show a rotating and infalling envelope around the system. At a smaller scale, the (CO)-C-12 and (CO)-C-13 moment zero maps show cavities within the continuum discs' area, which may indicate continuum over-subtraction or slow-moving jets and chemical destruction along the line of sight.  
  Corporate Author Thesis  
  Publisher Place of Publication Editor  
  Language Summary Language Original Title  
  Series Editor Series Title Abbreviated Series Title  
  Series Volume Series Issue Edition  
  ISSN 0035-8711 ISBN Medium  
  Area Expedition Conference  
  Notes WOS:001023895800007 Approved  
  Call Number UAI @ alexi.delcanto @ Serial 1869  
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