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Author Ruiz-Rodriguez, D.A.; Cieza, L.A.; Casassus, S.; Almendros-Abad, V.; Jofre, P.; Muzic, K.; Ramirez, K.P.; Batalla-Falcon, G.; Dunham, M.M.; Gonzalez-Ruilova, C.; Hales, A.; Humphreys, E.; Nogueira, P.H.; Paladini, C.; Tobin, J.; Williams, J.P.; Zurlo, A.
Title Discovery of a Brown Dwarf with Quasi-spherical Mass Loss Type
Year 2022 Publication Astrophysical Journal Abbreviated Journal Astrophys. J.
Volume 938 Issue 1 Pages 54
Abstract We report the serendipitous discovery of an elliptical shell of CO associated with the faint stellar object SSTc2d J163134.1-240060 as part of the “Ophiuchus Disk Survey Employing ALMA” (ODISEA), a project aiming to study the entire population of protoplanetary disks in the Ophiuchus Molecular Cloud from 230 GHz continuum emission and (CO)-C-12 (J = 2-1), (CO)-C-13 (J = 2-1) and (CCO)-C-18 (J = 2-1) lines readable in Band 6. Remarkably, we detect a bright (CO)-C-12 elliptical shape emission of similar to 3 '' x 4 '' toward SSTc2d J163134.1-240060 without a 230 GHz continuum detection. Based on the observed near-IR spectrum taken with the Very Large Telescope (KMOS), the brightness of the source, its three-dimensional motion, and Galactic dynamic arguments, we conclude that the source is not a giant star in the distant background (>5-10 kpc) and is most likely to be a young brown dwarf in the Ophiuchus cloud, at a distance of just similar to 139 pc. This is the first report of quasi-spherical mass loss in a young brown dwarf. We suggest that the observed shell could be associated with a thermal pulse produced by the fusion of deuterium, which is not yet well understood, but for a substellar object is expected to occur during a short period of time at an age of a few Myr, in agreement with the ages of the objects in the region. Other more exotic scenarios, such as a merger with planetary companions, cannot be ruled out from the current observations.
Corporate Author Thesis
Publisher Place of Publication Editor
Language Summary Language Original Title
Series Editor Series Title Abbreviated Series Title
Series Volume Series Issue Edition
ISSN 0004-637X ISBN Medium
Area Expedition Conference
Notes WOS:000867382600001 Approved
Call Number UAI @ alexi.delcanto @ Serial 1676
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