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Author Veliz-Tejo, A.; Travieso-Torres, J.C.; Peters, A.A.; Mora, A.; Leiva-Silva, F.
Title Normalized-Model Reference System for Parameter Estimation of Induction Motors Type
Year 2022 Publication Energies Abbreviated Journal Energies
Volume 15 Issue 13 Pages 4542
Keywords parameter estimation; adaptive systems; induction motors; nonlinear dynamical systems; persistent excitation
Abstract This manuscript proposes a short tuning march algorithm to estimate induction motors (IM) electrical and mechanical parameters. It has two main novel proposals. First, it starts by presenting a normalized-model reference adaptive system (N-MRAS) that extends a recently proposed normalized model reference adaptive controller for parameter estimation of higher-order nonlinear systems, adding filtering. Second, it proposes persistent exciting (PE) rules for the input amplitude. This N-MRAS normalizes the information vector and identification adaptive law gains for a more straightforward tuning method, avoiding trial and error. Later, two N-MRAS designs consider estimating IM electrical and mechanical parameters. Finally, the proposed algorithm considers starting with a V/f speed control strategy, applying a persistently exciting voltage and frequency, and applying the two designed N-MRAS. Test bench experiments validate the efficacy of the proposed algorithm for a 10 HP IM.
Corporate Author Thesis
Publisher Place of Publication Editor
Language Summary Language Original Title
Series Editor Series Title Abbreviated Series Title
Series Volume Series Issue Edition
ISSN 1996-1073 ISBN Medium
Area Expedition Conference
Notes WOS:000825676800001 Approved (down)
Call Number UAI @ alexi.delcanto @ Serial 1616
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