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Author Gonzalez, HA.; Puhm, A,; Rojas, F.
Title Loop corrections to celestial amplitudes Type
Year 2020 Publication Physical Review D Abbreviated Journal Phys. Rev. D.
Volume (down) 102 Issue Pages 126027
Keywords Conformal field theory; Large-N expansion in field theory; Non-Abelian gauge theories; Perturbation theory; Scattering amplitudes; Supersymmetric models
Abstract We study the effect of loop corrections to conformal correlators on the celestial sphere at null infinity. We first analyze finite one-loop celestial amplitudes in pure Yang-Mills theory and Einstein gravity. We then turn to our main focus: infrared divergent loop amplitudes in planar N=4

super–Yang-Mills theory. We compute the celestial one-loop amplitude in dimensional regularization and show that it can be recast as an operator acting on the celestial tree-level amplitude. This extends to any loop order, and the resummation of all planar loops enables us to write down an expression for the all-loop celestial amplitude. Finally, we show that the exponentiated all-loop expression given by the Bern-Dixon-Smirnov (BDS) formula gets promoted on the celestial sphere to an operator acting on the tree-level conformal correlation function, thus yielding, the celestial BDS formula.
Corporate Author Thesis
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Series Volume Series Issue Edition
ISSN 2470-0010 ISBN Medium
Area Expedition Conference
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Call Number UAI @ alexi.delcanto @ Serial 1282
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