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Author Aledo, J.A.; Goles, E.; Montalva-Medel, M.; Montealegre, P.; Valverde, J.C.
Title Symmetrizable Boolean networks Type
Year 2023 Publication Information Sciences Abbreviated Journal Inf. Sci.
Volume 626 Issue Pages 787-804
Keywords Generalized parallel dynamical system; Period structure; Limit cycles, Symmetric and anti-symmetric networks; Symmetrizable networks
Abstract In this work, we provide a procedure that allows us to transform certain kinds of deterministic Boolean networks on minterm or maxterm functions into symmetric ones, so inferring that such symmetrizable networks can present only periodic points of periods 1 or 2. In particular, we deal with generalized parallel (or synchronous) dynamical systems (GPDS) over undirected graphs, i. e., discrete parallel dynamical systems over undirected graphs where some of the self-loops may not appear. We also study the class of anti-symmetric GPDS (which are non-symmetrizable), proving that their periodic orbits have period 4. In addition, we introduce a class of non-symmetrizable systems which admit periodic orbits with arbitrary large periods.
Corporate Author Thesis
Publisher Place of Publication Editor
Language Summary Language Original Title
Series Editor Series Title Abbreviated Series Title
Series Volume Series Issue Edition
ISSN 0020-0255 ISBN Medium
Area Expedition Conference
Notes WOS:000925957000001 Approved
Call Number UAI @ alexi.delcanto @ Serial 1745
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