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Author (up) Palmeiro-Sanchez, T.; Fra-Vazquez, A.; Rey-Martinez, N.; Campos, J.L.; Mosquera-Corral, A.
Title Transient concentrations of NaCl affect the PHA accumulation in mixed microbial culture Type
Year 2016 Publication Journal Of Hazardous Materials Abbreviated Journal J. Hazard. Mater.
Volume 306 Issue Pages 332-339
Keywords Inhibition; Microbial mixed culture; Polyhydroxyalkanoates; Sodium chloride; Volatile fatty acids
Abstract The present study explores the feasibility of the accumulation of polyhydroxyalkanoates (PHAs) under the presence of transient concentrations of added sodium chloride, by means of a mixed microbial culture (MMC). This culture was enriched on a mixture of volatile fatty acids (VFAs) containing 0.8 g Na+/L, as NaOH. This MMC presented a maximum PHA accumulation capacity of 53 wt% with 27 Cmol% HV. Accumulation experiments performed with added NaCI at concentrations of 7, 13 and 20 g/L shown that this salt provoked a decrease of the biomass PHA production rate, with an IC50 value close to 7 g NaCl/L. The accumulated PHA was lower than the corresponding value of the assay without the addition of salt. Furthermore, the composition of the biopolymer, in terms of HB:HV ratio, changed from 2.71 to 6.37 Cmol/Cmol, which means a HV decrease between 27 and 14 Cmol%. Summarizing, the PHA accumulation by a MMC non-adapted to saline conditions affected the polymer composition and lead to lower production yields and rates than in absence of added NaCl. (C) 2015 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
Address [Palmeiro-Sanchez, T.; Fra-Vazquez, A.; Rey-Martinez, N.; Mosquera-Corral, A.] Univ Santiago de Compostela, Inst Technol, Dept Chem Engn, Rua Lope Gomez de Marzoa S-N, E-15705 Santiago De Compostela, Spain, Email: tania.palmeiro@usc.es
Corporate Author Thesis
Publisher Elsevier Science Bv Place of Publication Editor
Language English Summary Language Original Title
Series Editor Series Title Abbreviated Series Title
Series Volume Series Issue Edition
ISSN 0304-3894 ISBN Medium
Area Expedition Conference
Notes WOS:000374803400036 Approved
Call Number UAI @ eduardo.moreno @ Serial 616
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