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Author Gaona, J.; Hernández, R.; Guevara, F.; Bravo, V.
Title Influence of a Function’s Coefficients and Feedback of the Mathematical Work When Reading a Graph in an Online Assessment System Type
Year 2022 Publication International Journal of Emerging Technologies in Learning Abbreviated Journal Int. J. Emerg. Technol. Learn.
Volume 17 Issue 20 Pages 77-98
Keywords (up) digital technology; distance education and online learning; mathematical activity; post-secondary education; task design
Abstract This paper shows the results of an experiment applied to 170

students from two Chilean universities who solve a task about reading a graph

of an affine function in an online assessment environment where the parameters

(coefficients of the graphed affine function) are randomly defined from an ad-hoc

algorithm, with automatic correction and automatic feedback. We distinguish two

versions: one of them with integer coefficients and the other one with decimal

coefficients in the affine function. We observed that the nature of the coefficients

impacts the mathematical work used by the students, where we again focus on

two of them: by direct estimation from the graph or by calculating the equation of

the line. On the other hand, feedback oriented towards the “estimation” strategy

influences the mathematical work used by the students, even though a non-negligible

group persists in the “calculating” strategy, which is partly explained by the

perception of each of the strategies.
Corporate Author Thesis
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Language Summary Language Original Title
Series Editor Series Title Abbreviated Series Title
Series Volume Series Issue Edition
ISSN 1863-0383 ISBN Medium
Area Expedition Conference
Notes Approved
Call Number UAI @ alexi.delcanto @ Serial 1654
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