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Author Carrasco, M.; Alvarez, F.; Velazquez, R.; Concha, J.; Perez-Cotapos, F.
Title Brush-Holder Integrated Load Sensor Prototype for SAG Grinding Mill Motor Type
Year 2019 Publication Electronics Abbreviated Journal Electronics
Volume 8 Issue 11 Pages 14 pp
Keywords electrical motor sensor; SAG grinding mill motor; inspection protocol; mining industry
Abstract One of the most widely used electro-mechanical systems in large-scale mining is the electric motor. This device is employed in practically every phase of production. For this reason, it needs to be inspected regularly to maintain maximum operability, thus avoiding unplanned stoppages. In order to identify potential faults, regular check-ups are performed to measure the internal parameters of the components, especially the brushes and brush-holders. Both components must be properly aligned and calibrated to avoid electric arcs to the internal insulation of the motor. Although there is an increasing effort to improve inspection tasks, most inspection procedures are manual, leading to unnecessary costs in inspection time, errors in data entry, and, in extreme cases, measurement errors. This research presents the design, development, and assessment of an integrated measurement prototype for measuring spring tension and other key parameters in brush-holders used in electric motors. It aims to provide the mining industry with a new, fully automatic inspection system that will facilitate maintenance and checking. Our development research was carried out specifically on the brush system of a SAG grinding mill motor. These machines commonly use SIEMENS motors; however, the instrument can be easily adapted to any motor by simply changing the physical dimensions of the prototype.
Address [Carrasco, Miguel; Concha, Javier; Perez-Cotapos, Francisco] Univ Adolfo Ibanez, Fac Ingn & Ciencias, Av Diagonal Las Torres 20700, Santiago 7941169, Chile, Email: miguel.carrasco@uai.cl;
Corporate Author Thesis
Publisher Mdpi Place of Publication Editor
Language English Summary Language Original Title
Series Editor Series Title Abbreviated Series Title (up)
Series Volume Series Issue Edition
ISSN 2079-9292 ISBN Medium
Area Expedition Conference
Notes WOS:000502269500023 Approved
Call Number UAI @ eduardo.moreno @ Serial 1066
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