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Rodriguez, J.E.; Quinn, S.N.; Vanderburg, A.; Zhou, G.; Eastman, J.D.; Thygesen, E.; Cale, B.; Ciardi, D.R.; Reed, P.A.; Oelkers, R.J.; Collins, K.A.; Bieryla, A.; Latham, D.W.; Gonzales, E.J.; Gaudi, B.S.; Hellier, C.; Jones, M.I.; Brahm, R.; Sokolovsky, K.; Schulte, J.; Srdoc, G.; Kielkopf, J.; Horta, F.G.; Massey, B.; Evans, P.; Stephens, D.C.; McLeod, K.K.; Chazov, N.; Krushinsky, V.; Ghachoui, M.; Safonov, B.S.; Dedrick, C.M.; Conti, D.; Laloum, D.; Giacalone, S.; Ziegler, C.; Serra, P.G.; Nogues, R.N.; Murgas, F.; Michaels, E.J.; Ricker, G.R.; Vanderspek, R.K.; Seager, S. Winn, J.N.; Jenkins, J.M.; Addison, B.; Alfaro, O.; Anderson, D.R.; Aydi, E.; Beatty, T.G.; Bedding, T.R.; Belinski, A.A.; Benkhaldoun, Z.; Berlind, P.; Blake, C.H.; Bowen, M.J.; Bowler, B.P.; Boyle, A.W.; Branson, D.; Briceno, C.; Calkins, M.L.; Campbell, E.; Christiansen, J.L.; Chomiuk, L.; Collins, K.I.; Cornachione, M.A.; Daassou, A.; Dressing, C.D.; Esquerdo, G.A.; Feliz, D.L.; Fong, W.; Fukui, A.; Gan, T.; Gill, H.; Goliguzova, M.V.; Hansen, J.; Henning, T.; Hintz, E.G.; Hobson, M.J.; Horner, J.; Huang, C.X.; James, D.J.; Jensen, JS.; Johnson, S.A.; Jordan, A.; Kane, S.R.; Barkaoui, K.; Kim, M.J.; Kim, K.; Kuhn, R.B.; Law, N.; Lewin, P.; Liu, H.G.; Lund, M.B.; Mann, A.W.; McCrady, N.; Mengel, M.W.; Mink, J.; Murphy, L.G.; Narita, N.; Newman, P.; Okumura, J.; Osborn, H.P.; Paegert, M.; Palle, E.; Pepper, J.; Plavchan, P.; Popov, A.A.; Rabus, M.; Ranshaw, J.; Rodriguez, J.A.; Roh, D.G.; Reefe, M.A.; Savel, A.B.; Schwarz, R.P.; Shporer, A.; Siverd, R.J.; Sliski, D.H.; Stassun, K.G.; Stevens, D.J.; Soubkiou, A.; Ting, E.B.; Tinney, C.G.; Vowell, N.; Walton, P.; West, R.G.; Wilson, M.L.; Wittenmyer, R.A.; Wittrock, J.M.; Wolf, S.; Wright, J.T.; Zhang, H.; Zobel, E. |

Title |
Another shipment of six short-period giant planets from TESS |
Type |
Year |
2023 |
Publication |
Monthly Notices Of The Royal Astronomical Society |
Abbreviated Journal |
Mon. Not. Roy. Astron. Soc. |
Volume |
521 |
Issue |
2 |
Pages |
2765-2785 |
Keywords |
techniques: radial velocities; techniques: photometric |
Abstract |
We present the discovery and characterization of six short-period, transiting giant planets from NASA's Transiting Exoplanet Survey Satellite (TESS) -- TOI-1811 (TIC 376524552), TOI-2025 (TIC 394050135), TOI-2145 (TIC 88992642), TOI-2152 (TIC 395393265), TOI-2154 (TIC 428787891), and TOI-2497 (TIC 97568467). All six planets orbit bright host stars (8.9 |
Address |
Corporate Author |
Thesis |
Publisher |
Place of Publication |
Editor |
Language |
Summary Language |
Original Title |
Series Editor |
Series Title |
Abbreviated Series Title |
Series Volume |
Series Issue |
Edition |
0035-8711 |
Medium |
Area |
Expedition |
Conference |
Notes |
WOS:001005277100001 |
Approved |
Call Number |
UAI @ alexi.delcanto @ |
Serial |
1854 |
Permanent link to this record |