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Author (up) Talreja, N.; Ashfaq, M.; Chauhan, D.; Mangalaraja, R.V. doi  openurl
  Title PVP encapsulated MXene coated on PET surface (PMP)-based photocatalytic materials: A novel photo-responsive assembly for the removal of tetracycline Type
  Year 2023 Publication Environmental Research Abbreviated Journal Environ. Res.  
  Volume 233 Issue Pages 116439  
  Keywords Photocatalyst; MXene; PVP; Tetracycline; Photocatalyst device; Filtration assembly  
  Abstract Tetracycline (TC) antibiotic that is effective against wide-range micro-organisms, thereby used to control bacterial infection. The partial metabolism of TC antibiotics in humans and animals leads to the contamination of TC in the environments like water bodies. Thus, requirements to treat/remove/degrade TC antibiotics from the water bodies to control environmental pollution. In this context, this study focuses on fabricating PVP-MXenePET (PMP) based photo-responsive materials to degrade TC antibiotics from the water. Initially, MXene (Ti2CTx) was synthesized using a simple etching process from the MAX phase (Ti3AlC2). The synthesized MXene was encapsulated using PVP and cast onto the surface of PET to fabricate PMP-based photo-responsive materials. The rough surface and micron/nano-sized pores within the PMP-based photo-responsive materials might be improved the photo-degradation of TC antibiotics. The synthesized PMP-based photo-responsive materials were tested against the photo-degradation of TC antibiotics. The band gap value of the MXene and PMP-based photoresponsive materials was calculated to be -1.23 and 1.67 eV. Incorporating PVP within the MXene increased the band gap value, which might be beneficial for the photo-degradation of TC, as the minimum band gap value should be -1.23 eV or more for photocatalytic application. The highest photo-degradation of -83% was achieved using PMP-based photo-degradation at 0.1 mg/L of TC. Furthermore, -99.71% of photo-degradation of TC antibiotics was accomplished at pH -10. Therefore, the fabricated PMP-based photo-responsive materials might be next-generation devices/materials that efficiently degrade TC antibiotics from the water.  
  Corporate Author Thesis  
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  Language Summary Language Original Title  
  Series Editor Series Title Abbreviated Series Title  
  Series Volume Series Issue Edition  
  ISSN 0013-9351 ISBN Medium  
  Area Expedition Conference  
  Notes WOS:001032396400001 Approved  
  Call Number UAI @ alexi.delcanto @ Serial 1862  
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