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Author (up) Jones, M.I.; Reinarz, Y.; Brahm, R .; Tala Pinto, M.; Eberhardt, J.; Rojas, F.; Triaud, A.H.M.J.; Gupta, A.F.; Ziegler, C.; Hobson, M.J.; Jordan, A.; Henning, T.; Trifonov, T.; Schlecker, M.; Espinoza, N.; Torres-Miranda, P.; Sarkis, P.; Ulmer-Moll, S.; Lendl, M.; Uzundag, M.; Moyano, M.; Hesse, K.; Caldwell, D.A.; Shporer, A.; Lund, M.B.; Jenkins, J.M.; Seager, S.; Winn, J.N.; Ricker, G.R.; Burke, C.J.; Figueira, P.; Psaridi, A.; Al Moulla, K.; Mounzer, D.; Standing, M.R.; Martin, D.V.; Dransfield, G.; Baycroft, T.; Dragomir, D.; Boyle, G.; Suc, V.; Mann, A.W.; Timmermans, M.; Ducrot, E.; Hooton, M.J.; Zuniga-Fernandez, S.; Sebastian, D.; Gillon, M.; Queloz, D.; Carson, J.; Lissauer, J.J. doi  openurl
  Title A long-period transiting substellar companion in the super-Jupiters to brown dwarfs mass regime and a prototypical warm-Jupiter detected by TESS Type
  Year 2024 Publication Astronomy & Astrophysics Abbreviated Journal Astron. Astrophys.  
  Volume 683 Issue Pages A192  
  Keywords techniques: photometric; techniques: radial velocities; planets and satellites: composition; planets and satellites: detection; planets and satellites: formation; planets and satellites: gaseous planets  
  Abstract We report on the confirmation and follow-up characterization of two long-period transiting substellar companions on low-eccentricity orbits around TIC 4672985 and TOI-2529, whose transit events were detected by the TESS space mission. Ground-based photometric and spectroscopic follow-up from different facilities, confirmed the substellar nature of TIC 4672985 b, a massive gas giant in the transition between the super-Jupiters and brown dwarfs mass regime. From the joint analysis we derived the following orbital parameters: P = 69.0480(-0.0005)(+0.0004) d, M-p = 12.74(-1.01)(+1.01) M-J, R-p = 1.026(-0.067)(+0.065) R-J and e = 0.018(-0.004)(+0.004). In addition, the RV time series revealed a significant trend at the similar to 350 m s(-1) yr(-1) level, which is indicative of the presence of a massive outer companion in the system. TIC 4672985 b is a unique example of a transiting substellar companion with a mass above the deuterium-burning limit, located beyond 0.1 AU and in a nearly circular orbit. These planetary properties are difficult to reproduce from canonical planet formation and evolution models. For TOI-2529 b, we obtained the following orbital parameters: P = 64.5949(-0.0003)(+0.0003) d, M-p = 2.340(-0.195)(+0.197) M-J, R-p = 1.030(-0.050)(+0.050) R-J and e = 0.021(-0.015)(+0.024), making this object a new example of a growing population of transiting warm giant planets.  
  Corporate Author Thesis  
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  Language Summary Language Original Title  
  Series Editor Series Title Abbreviated Series Title  
  Series Volume Series Issue Edition  
  ISSN 0004-6361 ISBN Medium  
  Area Expedition Conference  
  Notes WOS:001188136600004 Approved  
  Call Number UAI @ alexi.delcanto @ Serial 1978  
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