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Author Vera, J.
Title Self-Organization of Vocabularies under Different Interaction Orders Type
Year 2017 Publication Artificial Life Abbreviated Journal Artif. Life
Volume 23 Issue 2 Pages 287-294
Keywords Vocabulary; automata networks; interaction orders; naming game
Abstract Traditionally, the formation of vocabularies has been studied by agent-based models (primarily, the naming game) in which random pairs of agents negotiate word-meaning associations at each discrete time step. This article proposes a first approximation to a novel question: To what extent is the negotiation of word-meaning associations influenced by the order in which agents interact? Automata networks provide the adequate mathematical framework to explore this question. Computer simulations suggest that on two-dimensional lattices the typical features of the formation of word-meaning associations are recovered under random schemes that update small fractions of the population at the same time; by contrast, if larger subsets of the population are updated, a periodic behavior may appear.
Address [Vera, Javier] Univ Adolfo Ibanez, Fac Ingn & Ciencias, Avda Diagonal Las Torres 2640, Santiago, Chile, Email: jxvera@gmail.com
Corporate Author Thesis
Publisher Mit Press Place of Publication Editor
Language English Summary Language Original Title
Series Editor Series Title Abbreviated Series Title
Series Volume Series Issue Edition
ISSN 1064-5462 ISBN Medium (down)
Area Expedition Conference
Notes WOS:000402704800008 Approved
Call Number UAI @ eduardo.moreno @ Serial 738
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