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Author Garmendia, M.L.; Mondschein, S.; Matus, O.; Murrugarra, R.; Uauy, R.
Title Predictors of gestational weight gain among Chilean pregnant women: The Chilean Maternal and Infant Nutrition Cohort study Type
Year 2017 Publication Health Care For Women International Abbreviated Journal Health Care Women Int.
Volume 38 Issue 8 Pages 892-904
Abstract We identified factors associated with gestational weight gain (GWG) in 1,654 Chilean pregnant women with full-term pregnancies. At baseline, we collected information about sociodemographic, gyneco-obstetric, anthropometric, and health-care-related factors. We found that prepregnancy nutritional body mass index was the most important factor related to GWG above recommendations (overweight: ratio of relative risks [RRR] = 2.31, 95% confidence interval [CI, 1.73, 3.09] and obesity: RRR = 2.90, 95% CI [2.08, 4.03]). We believe that women who are overweight/obese at the beginning of pregnancy should be identified because of their higher risk, and that adequate strategies should be designed and implemented to help them achieve a healthy GWG.
Address [Luisa Garmendia, Maria; Uauy, Ricardo] Univ Chile, Inst Nutr & Food Technol, Libano 5524, Santiago, Chile, Email: mgarmendia@inta.uchile.cl
Corporate Author Thesis
Publisher Taylor & Francis Inc Place of Publication Editor
Language English Summary Language Original Title
Series Editor Series Title Abbreviated Series Title
Series Volume (down) Series Issue Edition
ISSN 0739-9332 ISBN Medium
Area Expedition Conference
Notes WOS:000407518400009 Approved
Call Number UAI @ eduardo.moreno @ Serial 758
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