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Author Belmonte, M.; Hsieh, C.F.; Campos, J.L.; Guerrero, L.; Mendez, R.; Mosquera-Corral, A.; Vidal, G.
Title Effect of Free Ammonia, Free Nitrous Acid, and Alkalinity on the Partial Nitrification of Pretreated Pig Slurry, Using an Alternating Oxic/Anoxic SBR Type
Year 2017 Publication Biomed Research International Abbreviated Journal Biomed Res. Int.
Volume Issue Pages 7 pp
Abstract The effect of free ammonia (NH3 or FA), free nitrous acid (HNO2 or FNA), and total alkalinity (TA) on the performance of a partial nitrification (PN) sequencing batch reactor (SBR) treating anaerobically pretreated pig slurry was studied. The SBR was operated under alternating oxic/anoxic (O/A) conditions and was fed during anoxic phases. This strategy allowed using organic matter to partially remove nitrite (NO2-) andnitrate (NO3-) generated during oxic phases. The desired NH4+ to NO2- ratioof 1.3gN/gNwas obtained when an Ammonium Loading Rate (ALR) of 0.09 gNH(4)(+)N/L d was applied. The system was operated at a solid retention time (SRT) of 15-20 d and dissolved oxygen (DO) levels higher than 3 mg O-2/L during the whole operational period. PN mainly occurred caused by the inhibitory effect of FNA on nitrite oxidizing bacteria (NOB). Once HNO2 concentration was negligible, NH4+ was fully oxidized to NO(3)(-)in spite of the presence of FA. The use of biomass acclimated to ammonium as inoculum avoided a possible effect of FA on NOB activity.
Address [Belmonte, Marisol; Hsieh, Chia-Fang; Vidal, Gladys] Univ Concepcion, Environm Sci Fac, Engn & Environm Biotechnol Grp, POB 160-C, Concepcion, Chile, Email: marisol.belmonte@upla.cl
Corporate Author Thesis
Publisher Hindawi Ltd Place of Publication (down) Editor
Language English Summary Language Original Title
Series Editor Series Title Abbreviated Series Title
Series Volume Series Issue Edition
ISSN 2314-6133 ISBN Medium
Area Expedition Conference
Notes WOS:000409551200001 Approved
Call Number UAI @ eduardo.moreno @ Serial 777
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