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Author Liedloff, M.; Montealegre, P.; Todinca, I.
Title Beyond Classes of Graphs with “Few” Minimal Separators: FPT Results Through Potential Maximal Cliques Type
Year 2019 Publication Algorithmica Abbreviated Journal (up) Algorithmica
Volume 81 Issue 3 Pages 986-1005
Keywords FPT algorithms; Treewidth; Potential maximal cliques
Abstract Let P(G,X) be a property associating a boolean value to each pair (G,X) where G is a graph and X is a vertex subset. Assume that P is expressible in counting monadic second order logic (CMSO) and let t be an integer constant. We consider the following optimization problem: given an input graph G=(V,E), find subsets XFV such that the treewidth of G[F] is at most t, property P(G[F],X) is true and X is of maximum size under these conditions. The problem generalizes many classical algorithmic questions, e.g., Longest Induced Path, Maximum Induced Forest, IndependentH-Packing, etc. Fomin et al. (SIAM J Comput 44(1):54-87, 2015) proved that the problem is polynomial on the class of graph Gpoly, i.e. the graphs having at most poly(n) minimal separators for some polynomial poly. Here we consider the class Gpoly+kv, formed by graphs of Gpoly to which we add a set of at most k vertices with arbitrary adjacencies, called modulator. We prove that the generic optimization problem is fixed parameter tractable on Gpoly+kv, with parameter k, if the modulator is also part of the input.
Address [Liedloff, Mathieu; Todinca, Ioan] Univ Orleans, INSA Ctr Val Loire, LIFO, EA 4022, Orleans, France, Email: mathieu.liedloff@univ-orleans.fr;
Corporate Author Thesis
Publisher Springer Place of Publication Editor
Language English Summary Language Original Title
Series Editor Series Title Abbreviated Series Title
Series Volume Series Issue Edition
ISSN 0178-4617 ISBN Medium
Area Expedition Conference
Notes WOS:000460105700003 Approved
Call Number UAI @ eduardo.moreno @ Serial 989
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