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Thomsen, M., Fernandez-Pello, C., Urban, D. L., & Ruff, G. A. (2021). On simulating the effect of gravity on concurrent flame spread over thin paper through variations in ambient pressure. Combust. Flame, 232, 111538.
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Parot, R., Rivera, J. I., Reszka, P., Torero, J. L., & Fuentes, A. (2022). A simplified analytical model for radiation dominated ignition of solid fuels exposed to multiple non-steady heat fluxes. Combust. Flame, 237, 111866.
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Carmignani, L., Garg, P., Thomsen, M., Gollner, M. J., Fernandez-Pello, C., Urban, D. L., et al. (2022). Effect of sub-atmospheric pressure on the characteristics of concurrent/upward flame spread over a thin solid. Combust. Flame, 245, 112312.
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