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Aranis, A., de la Cruz, R., Montenegro, C., Ramirez, M., Caballero, L., Gomez, A., et al. (2022). Meta-Estimation of Araucanian Herring, Strangomera bentincki (Norman, 1936), Biological Indicators in the Central-South Zone of Chile (32 degrees-47 degrees LS). Front. Mar. Sci., 9, 886321.
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Lardies, M. A., Caballero, P., Duarte, C., & Poupin, M. J. (2021). Geographical Variation in Phenotypic Plasticity of Intertidal Sister Limpet's Species Under Ocean Acidification Scenarios. Front. Mar. Sci., 8, 647087.
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Martel, S. I., Fernandez, C., Lagos, N. A., Labra, F. A., Duarte, C., Vivanco, J. F., et al. (2022). Acidification and high-temperature impacts on energetics and shell production of the edible clam Ameghinomya antiqua. Front. Mar. Sci., 9, 972135.
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Valdivia, N., Aguilera, M. A., & Broitman, B. R. (2021). High Dimensionality of the Stability of a Marine Benthic Ecosystem. Front. Mar. Sci., 7, 569650.
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