Besson, S., & Dumais, J. (2014). Stochasticity in the symmetric division of plant cells: when the exceptions are the rule. Front. Plant Sci., 5, 4 pp.
Estrada, J. S., Fuentes, A., Reszka, P., & Cheein, F. A. (2023). Machine learning assisted remote forestry health assessment: a comprehensive state of the art review. Front. Plant Sci., 14, 1139232.
Abstract: Forests are suffering water stress due to climate change; in some parts of the globe, forests are being exposed to the highest temperatures historically recorded. Machine learning techniques combined with robotic platforms and artificial vision systems have been used to provide remote monitoring of the health of the forest, including moisture content, chlorophyll, and nitrogen estimation, forest canopy, and forest degradation, among others. However, artificial intelligence techniques evolve fast associated with the computational resources; data acquisition, and processing change accordingly. This article is aimed at gathering the latest developments in remote monitoring of the health of the forests, with special emphasis on the most important vegetation parameters (structural and morphological), using machine learning techniques. The analysis presented here gathered 108 articles from the last 5 years, and we conclude by showing the newest developments in AI tools that might be used in the near future.
Marin, O., Gonzalez, B., & Poupin, M. J. (2021). From Microbial Dynamics to Functionality in the Rhizosphere: A Systematic Review of the Opportunities With Synthetic Microbial Communities. Front. Plant Sci., 12, 650609.
Abstract: Synthetic microbial communities (SynComs) are a useful tool for a more realistic understanding of the outcomes of multiple biotic interactions where microbes, plants, and the environment are players in time and space of a multidimensional and complex system. Toward a more in-depth overview of the knowledge that has been achieved using SynComs in the rhizosphere, a systematic review of the literature on SynComs was performed to identify the overall rationale, design criteria, experimental procedures, and outcomes of in vitro or in planta tests using this strategy. After an extensive bibliography search and a specific selection process, a total of 30 articles were chosen for further analysis, grouping them by their reported SynCom size. The reported SynComs were constituted with a highly variable number of members, ranging from 3 to 190 strains, with a total of 1,393 bacterial isolates, where the three most represented phyla were Proteobacteria, Actinobacteria, and Firmicutes. Only four articles did not reference experiments with SynCom on plants, as they considered only microbial in vitro studies, whereas the others chose different plant models and plant-growth systems; some of them are described and reviewed in this article. Besides, a discussion on different approaches (bottom-up and top-down) to study the microbiome role in the rhizosphere is provided, highlighting how SynComs are an effective system to connect and fill some knowledge gaps and to have a better understanding of the mechanisms governing these multiple interactions. Although the SynCom approach is already helpful and has a promising future, more systematic and standardized studies are needed to harness its full potential.
Moraga, F., & Aquea, F. (2015). Composition of the SAGA complex in plants and its role in controlling gene expression in response to abiotic stresses. Front. Plant Sci., 6, 9 pp.
Abstract: Protein complexes involved in epigenetic regulation of transcription have evolved as molecular strategies to face environmental stress in plants. SAGA (Spt-Ada-Gcn5 Acetyltransferase) is a transcriptional co-activator complex that regulates numerous cellular processes through the coordination of multiple post-translational histone modifications, including acetylation, deubiquitination, and chromatin recognition. The diverse functions of the SAGA complex involve distinct modules that are highly conserved between yeast, flies, and mammals. In this review, the composition of the SAGA complex in plants is described and its role in gene expression regulation under stress conditions summarized. Some of these proteins are likely involved in the regulation of the inducible expression of genes under light, cold, drought, salt, and iron stress, although the functions of several of its components remain unknown.
Pinedo, I., Ledger, T., Greve, M., & Poupin, M. J. (2015). Burkholderia phytofirmans PsJN induces long-term metabolic and transcriptional changes involved in Arabidopsis thaliana salt tolerance. Front. Plant Sci., 6, 17 pp.
Abstract: Salinity is one of the major limitations for food production worldwide. Improvement of plant salt-stress tolerance using plant-growth promoting rhizobacteria (PGPR) has arisen as a promising strategy to help overcome this limitation. However, the molecular and biochemical mechanisms controlling PGPR/plant interactions under salt-stress remain unclear. The main objective of this study was to obtain new insights into the mechanisms underlying salt-stress tolerance enhancement in the salt-sensitive Arabidopsis thaliana Col-0 plants, when inoculated with the well-known PGPR strain Burkholderia phytofirmans PsJN. To tackle this, different life history traits, together with the spatiotemporal accumulation patterns for key metabolites and salt-stress related transcripts, were analyzed in inoculated plants under short and long-term salt-stress. Inoculated plants displayed faster recovery and increased tolerance after sustained salt-stress. PsJN treatment accelerated the accumulation of proline and transcription of genes related to abscisic acid signaling (Relative to Dessication, RD29A and RD29B), ROS scavenging Oscorbate Peroxidase 2), and detoxification (Glyoxalase I 7), and down-regulated the expression of Lipoxygenase 2 (related to jasmonic acid biosynthesis). Among the general transcriptional effects of this bacterium, the expression pattern of important ion-homeostasis related genes was altered after short and longterm stress (Arabidopsis K Transporter 1, High-Affinity K Transporter 1, Sodium Hydrogen Exchanger 2, and Arabidopsis Salt Overly Sensitive 1). In all, the faster and stronger molecular changes induced by the inoculation suggest a PsJN-priming effect, which may explain the observed tolerance after short-term and sustained salt-stress in plants. This study provides novel information about possible mechanisms involved in salt-stress tolerance induced by PGPR in plants, showing that certain changes are maintained over time. This opens up new venues to study these relevant biological associations, as well as new approaches to a better understanding of the spatiotemporal mechanisms involved in stress tolerance in plants.
Poupin, M. J., Greve, M., Carmona, V., & Pinedo, I. (2016). A Complex Molecular Interplay of Auxin and Ethylene Signaling Pathways Is Involved in Arabidopsis Growth Promotion by Burkholderia phytofirmans PsJN. Front. Plant Sci., 7, 16 pp.
Abstract: Modulation of phytohormones homeostasis is one of the proposed mechanisms to explain plant growth promotion induced by beneficial rhizobacteria (PGPR). However, there is still limited knowledge about the molecular signals and pathways underlying these beneficial interactions. Even less is known concerning the interplay between phytohormones in plants inoculated with PGPR. Auxin and ethylene are crucial hormones in the control of plant growth and development, and recent studies report an important and complex crosstalk between them in the regulation of different plant developmental processes. The objective of this work was to study the role of both hormones in the growth promotion of Arabidopsis thaliana plants induced by the well-known PGPR Burkholderia phytofirmans PsJN. For this, the spatiotemporal expression patterns of several genes related to auxin biosynthesis, perception and response and ethylene biosynthesis were studied, finding that most of these genes showed specific transcriptional regulations after inoculation in roots and shoots. PsJN-growth promotion was not observed in Arabidopsis mutants with an impaired ethylene (ein2-1) or auxin (axr15) signaling. Even, PsJN did not promote growth in an ethylene overproducer (eto2), indicating that a fine regulation of both hormones signaling and homeostasis is necessary to induce growth of the aerial and root tissues. Auxin polar transport is also involved in growth promotion, since PsJN did not promote primary root growth in the pin2 mutant or under chemical inhibition of transport in wild type plants. Finally, a key role for ethylene biosynthesis was found in the PsJN-mediated increase in root hair number. These results not only give new insights of PGPR regulation of plant growth but also are also useful to understand key aspects of Arabidopsis growth control.
Vera-Maldonado, P., Aquea, F., Reyes-Díaz, M., Cárcamo-Fincheira, P., Soto-Cerda, B., Nunes-Nesi, A., et al. (2024). Role of boron and its interaction with other elements in plants. Front. Plant Sci., 15, 1332459.
Abstract: Boron (B) is an essential microelement for plants, and its deficiency can lead to impaired development and function. Around 50% of arable land in the world is acidic, and low pH in the soil solution decreases availability of several essential mineral elements, including B, magnesium (Mg), calcium (Ca), and potassium (K). Plants take up soil B in the form of boric acid (H3BO3) in acidic soil or tetrahydroxy borate [B(OH)4]- at neutral or alkaline pH. Boron can participate directly or indirectly in plant metabolism, including in the synthesis of the cell wall and plasma membrane, in carbohydrate and protein metabolism, and in the formation of ribonucleic acid (RNA). In addition, B interacts with other nutrients such as Ca, nitrogen (N), phosphorus (P), K, and zinc (Zn). In this review, we discuss the mechanisms of B uptake, absorption, and accumulation and its interactions with other elements, and how it contributes to the adaptation of plants to different environmental conditions. We also discuss potential B-mediated networks at the physiological and molecular levels involved in plant growth and development.