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Ferrada, F., Babonneau, F., Homem-de-Mello, T., & Jalil-Vega, F. (2022). Energy planning policies for residential and commercial sectors under ambitious global and local emissions objectives: A Chilean case study. J. Clean. Prod., 350, 131299.
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Ferraz, A. D. N., Machado, P. G., Jalil-Vega, F., Coelho, S. T., & Woods, J. (2022). Liquefied biomethane from sugarcane vinasse and municipal solid waste: Sustainable fuel for a green-gas heavy duty road freight transport corridor in Sao Paulo state. J. Clean. Prod., 335, 130281.
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O'Ryan, R., Nasirov, S., & Osorio, H. (2023). Assessment of the potential impacts of a carbon tax in Chile using dynamic CGE model. J. Clean. Prod., 403, 136694.
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Simon, F., Girard, A., Krotki, M., & Ordonez, J. (2021). Modelling and simulation of the wood biomass supply from the sustainable management of natural forests. J. Clean. Prod., 282, 124487.
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Vargas-Ferrer, P., Alvarez-Miranda, E., Tenreiro, C., & Jalil-Vega, F. (2023). Integration of high levels of electrolytic hydrogen production: Impact on power systems planning. J. Clean. Prod., 409, 137110.
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Zavala, C., Babonneau, F., & Homem-de-Mello, T. (2023). Measuring the impact of regional climate change on heating and cooling demand for the Chilean energy transition. J. Clean. Prod., 428, 139390.
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