During, G., Josserand, C., Krstulovic, G., & Rica, S. (2019). Strong turbulence for vibrating plates: Emergence of a Kolmogorov spectrum. Phys. Rev. Fluids, 4(6), 12 pp.
Abstract: In fluid turbulence, energy is transferred from one scale to another by an energy cascade that depends only on the energy-dissipation rate. It leads by dimensional arguments to the Kolmogorov 1941 (K41) spectrum. Here we show that the normal modes of vibrations in elastic plates also manifest an energy cascade with the same K41 spectrum in the fully nonlinear regime. In particular, we observe different patterns in the elastic deformations such as folds, developable cones, and even more complex stretching structures, in analogy with spots, swirls, vortices, and other structures in hydrodynamic turbulence. We show that the energy cascade is dominated by the kinetic contribution and that the stretching energy is at thermodynamical equilibrium. We characterize this energy cascade, the validity of the constant energy-dissipation rate over the scales. Finally, we discuss the role of intermittency using the correlation functions that exhibit anomalous exponents.
Josserand, C., Pomeau, Y., & Rica, S. (2020). Finite-time localized singularities as a mechanism for turbulent dissipation. Phys. Rev. Fluids, 5(5), 15 pp.
Abstract: The nature of the fluctuations of the dissipation rate in fluid turbulence is still under debate. One reason may be that the observed fluctuations are strong events of dissipation, which reveal the trace of spatiotemporal singularities of the Euler equations, which are the zero viscosity limit of ordinary incompressible fluids. Viscosity regularizes these hypothetical singularities, resulting in a chaotic fluctuating state in which the strong events appear randomly in space and time, making the energy dissipation highly fluctuating. Yet, to date, it is not known if smooth initial conditions of the Euler equations with finite energy do or do not blow up in finite time. We overcome this central difficulty by providing a scenario for singularity-mediated turbulence based on the self-focusing nonlinear Schrodinger equation. It avoids the intrinsic difficulty of Euler equations since it is well known that solutions of this NLS equation with smooth initial conditions do blow up in finite time. When adding viscosity, the model shows (i) that dissipation takes place near the singularities only, (ii) that such intense events are random in space and time, (iii) that the mean dissipation rate is almost constant as the viscosity varies, and (iv) the observation of an Obukhov-Kolmogorov spectrum with a power-law dependence together with an intermittent behavior using structure function correlations, in close correspondence with the one measured in fluid turbulence.