Caceres, G., Anrique, N., Girard, A., Degreve, J., Baeyens, J., & Zhang, H. L. (2013). Performance of molten salt solar power towers in Chile. J. Renew. Sustain. Energy, 5(5), 15 pp.
Abstract: Chile is facing important challenges to develop its energy sector. Estimations demonstrate that in its electricity consumption Chile will grow at an annual rate of 4.6% until 2030, despite ongoing efficiency improvements. To satisfy this demand in a sustainable way, the national energy policy promotes the integration of novel and clean power generation into the national power mix, with special emphasis on concentrated solar power (CSP). The present paper assesses the development of solar-based electricity generation in Chile by CSP, achieved by a Solar Power Tower plant (SPT) using molten salt as heat carrier and store. Such SPTs can be installed at different locations in Chile, and connected to the main national grid. Results show that each SPT plant can generate around 76 GWh(el) of net electricity, when considering solar irradiation as the sole energy source and at a 16% overall efficiency of the SPT process. For operation in a continuous mode, a hybrid configuration with integrated gas backup system increases the generating potential of each SPT to 135 GWh(el). A preliminary Levelized Energy Cost (LEC) calculation provides LEC values between 0.15 and 0.18 $/kWh, as function of the overall process efficiency and estimated investment cost. Chile's solar irradiation favors the implementation of SPT plants. (C) 2013 AIP Publishing LLC.
Corral, N., Anrique, N., Fernandes, D., Parrado, C., & Caceres, G. (2012). Power, placement and LEC evaluation to install CSP plants in northern Chile. Renew. Sust. Energ. Rev., 16(9), 6678–6685.
Abstract: Chile is expecting a 5.4% growth in energy consumption per year until 2030, requiring new and better solutions for the upward trend of its electricity demand. This state leads to select and study one of the potential alternatives for electricity generation: concentrated solar power (CSP) plants. Such renewable technology found in Chile a very favorable condition. Recent researches indicate Atacama Desert as one of the best regions for solar energy worldwide, having an average radiation higher than in places where CSP plants are currently implemented, e.g. Spain and USA. The aim of this study is to present an analysis of levelized energy cost (LEC) for different power capacities of CSP plants placed in distinct locations in northern Chile. The results showed that CSP plants can be implemented in Atacama Desert with LECs around 19 (sic)US$/kWh when a gas-fired backup and thermal energy storage (TES) systems are fitted. This value increases to approximately 28 (sic)US$/kWh if there is no backup system. (C) 2012 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.