Antico, F. C., Concha-Riedel, J., Valdivia, I., García Herrera, C., & Utrera, A. (2023). The fracture mechanical behavior of the interface between animal fibers, mortar, and earth matrices. A theoretical and experimental approach. Compos. B. Eng., 254, 110568.
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Antico, F. C., De la Varga, I., Esmaeeli, H. S., Nantung, T. E., Zavattieri, P. D., & Weiss, W. J. (2015). Using accelerated pavement testing to examine traffic opening criteria for concrete pavements. Constr. Build. Mater., 96, 86–95.
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Antico, F. C., Rojas, P., Briones, F., & Araya-Letelier, G. (2021). Animal fibers as water reservoirs for internal curing of mortars and their limits caused by fiber clustering. Constr. Build. Mater., 267, 120918.
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Antico, F. C., Wiener, M. J., Araya-Letelier, G., & Retamal, R. G. (2017). Eco-bricks: a sustainable substitute for construction materials. Rev. Constr., 16(3), 518–526.
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Araya-Letelier, G., Antico, F. C., Burbano-Garcia, C., Concha-Riedeld, J., Norambuena-Contreras, J., Concha, J., et al. (2021). Experimental evaluation of adobe mixtures reinforced with jute fibers. Constr. Build. Mater., 276(2021), 122127.
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Araya-Letelier, G., Antico, F. C., Carrasco, M., Rojas, P., & Garcia-Herrera, C. M. (2017). Effectiveness of new natural fibers on damage-mechanical performance of mortar. Constr. Build. Mater., 152, 672–682.
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Araya-Letelier, G., Concha-Riedel, J., Antico, F. C., & Sandoval, C. (2019). Experimental mechanical-damage assessment of earthen mixes reinforced with micro polypropylene fibers. Constr. Build. Mater., 198, 762–776.
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Araya-Letelier, G., Concha-Riedel, J., Antico, F. C., Valdes, C., & Caceres, G. (2018). Influence of natural fiber dosage and length on adobe mixes damage-mechanical behavior. Constr. Build. Mater., 174, 645–655.
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Araya-Letelier, G., Maturana, P., Carrasco, M., Antico, F. C., & Gomez, M. S. (2019). Mechanical-Damage Behavior of Mortars Reinforced with Recycled Polypropylene Fibers. Sustainability, 11(8), 17 pp.
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Concha-Riedel, J., Antico, F.C., Araya-Letelier, G. (2020). Mechanical and damage similarities of adobe blocks reinforced with natural and industrial fibres. Materia, 25(4), 11pp.
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Concha-Riedel, J., Antico, F. C., & Lopez-Querol, S. (2021). Mechanical strength, mass loss and volumetric changes of drying adobe matrices combined with kaolin and fine soil particles. Constr. Build. Mater., 312, 125246.
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