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Henderson, R. G., Verougstraete, V., Anderson, K., Arbildua, J. J., Brock, T. O., Brouwers, T., et al. (2014). Inter-laboratory validation of bioaccessibility testing for metals. Regul. Toxicol. Pharmacol., 70(1), 170–181.
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Henriquez, D. R., Zhao, C. F., Zheng, H. Y., Arbildua, J. J., Acevedo, M. L., Roth, M. J., et al. (2013). Crosslinking and mass spectrometry suggest that the isolated NTD domain dimer of Moloney murine leukemia virus integrase adopts a parallel arrangement in solution. BMC Struct. Biol., 13, 12 pp.
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Urrestarazu, P., Villavicencio, G., Opazo, M., Arbildua, J., Boreiko, C., Delbeke, K., et al. (2014). Migration protocol to estimate metal exposure from mouthing copper and tin alloy objects. Environ. Health, 13, 9 pp.
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