Bitran, E., Duarte, F., Fernandes, D., & Villena, M. (2017). Impact of the Guaranteed Health Plan with a single community premium in the demand for private health insurance in Chile. Cepal Rev., (123), 225–244.
Bitran, E., Rivera, P., & Villena, M. J. (2014). Water management problems in the Copiapo Basin, Chile: markets, severe scarcity and the regulator. Water Policy, 16(5), 844–863.
Abstract: This research focuses on the determination of the factors that led to the failure of water management in the Copiapo Basin in Chile. Interestingly, the existence of full private ownership and free tradability of water rights has not prevented the overexploitation of groundwater resources. In the paper, firstly, water regulation and the role of the regulator in Chile are briefly discussed. Secondly, the evolution of water resources in the Copiapo region is characterized and analyzed, and the granting of water use rights in the basin in the last 30 years is concisely described. Thirdly, we examine and analyze prices and quantities traded in the water market of the Copiapo region. We will argue that this crisis is a consequence first of failure in regulatory implementation and second of an extremely rigid regulatory framework that leaves limited room for adjustment to changing conditions, especially regarding the emergence of new information concerning water availability. We believe this investigation is not only relevant for this case in particular, but also for other regions and countries where water markets are in place.
Bugedo, G., Tobar, E., Alegria, L., Oviedo, V., Arellano, D., Basoalto, R., et al. (2023). Development of mechanical ventilators in Chile. Chronicle of the initiative "Un Respiro para Chile. Rev. Med. Chile, 150(7), 958–965.
Abstract: At the beginning of the COVID-19 pandemic in Chile, in March 2020, a projection indicated that a significant group of patients with pneumonia would require admission to an Intensive Care Unit and connection to a mechanical ventilator. Therefore, a paucity of these devices and other supplies was predicted. The initiative “Un respiro para Chile” brought together many people and institutions, public and private. In the course of three months, it allowed the design and building of several ventilatory assistance devices, which could be used in critically ill patients.