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Burgers, T. A., Vivanco, J. F., Zahatnansky, J., Moren, A. J. V., Mason, J. J., & Williams, B. O. (2016). Mice with a heterozygous Lrp6 deletion have impaired fracture healing. Bone Res., 4, 9 pp.
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Collins, C. J., Vivanco, J. F., Sokn, S. A., Williams, B. O., Burgers, T. A., & Ploeg, H. L. (2015). Fracture healing in mice lacking Pten in osteoblasts: a micro-computed tomography image-based analysis of the mechanical properties of the femur. J. Biomech., 48(2), 310–317.
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Vivanco, J. F., Burgers, T. A., Garcia-Rodriguez, S., Crookshank, M., Kunz, M., MacIntyre, N. J., et al. (2014). Estimating the density of femoral head trabecular bone from hip fracture patients using computed tomography scan data. Proc. Inst. Mech. Eng. Part H-J. Eng. Med., 228(6), 616–626.
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