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Carleo, I., Gandolfi, D., Barragan, O., Livingston, J. H., Persson, C. M., Lam, K. W. F., et al. (2020). The Multiplanet System TOI-421*. Astron. J., 160(3), 23 pp.
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Jordan, A., Bakos, G. A., Bayliss, D., Bento, J., Bhatti, W., Brahm, R., et al. (2020). HATS-37Ab and HATS-38b: Two Transiting Hot Neptunes in the Desert*. Astron. J., 160(5), 14 pp.
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Rice, M., Wang, X. Y., Wang, S. H., Shporer, A., Barkaoui, K., Brahm, R., et al. (2023). Evidence for Low-level Dynamical Excitation in Near-resonant Exoplanet Systems. Astron. J., 166(6), 266.
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Saunders, N., Grunblatt, S. K., Huber, D., Collins, K. A., Jensen, E. L. N., Vanderburg, A., et al. (2022). TESS Giants Transiting Giants. I.: A Noninflated Hot Jupiter Orbiting a Massive Subgiant. Astron. J., 163(2), 53.
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Trifonov, T., Brahm, R., Espinoza, N., Henning, T., Jordan, A., Nesvorny, D., et al. (2021). A Pair of Warm Giant Planets near the 2:1 Mean Motion Resonance around the K-dwarf Star TOI-2202*. Astron. J., 162(6), 283.
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Trifonov, T., Brahm, R., Jordan, A., Hartogh, C., Henning, T., Hobson, M. J., et al. (2023). TOI-2525 b and c: A Pair of Massive Warm Giant Planets with Strong Transit Timing Variations Revealed by TESS. Astron. J., 165(4), 179.
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Trifonov, T., Wollbold, A., Kurster, M., Eberhardt, J., Stock, S., Henning, T., et al. (2022). A New Third Planet and the Dynamical Architecture of the HD33142 HD 33142 Planetary System. Astron. J., 164(4), 156.
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Yee, S. W., Winn, J. N., Hartman, J. D., Rodriguez, J. E., Zhou, G., Quinn, S. N., et al. (2022). The TESS Grand Unified Hot Jupiter Survey. I. Ten TESS Planets. Astron. J., 164(2), 70.
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