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Cardu, M., & Seccatore, J. (2016). Quantifying the difficulty of tunnelling by drilling and blasting. Tunn. Undergr. Space Technol., 60, 178–182.
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Cardu, M., Godio, A., Oggeri, C., & Seccatore, J. (2022). The influence of rock mass fracturing on splitting and contour blasts. Geomech. Geoengin., 17(3), 822–833.
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Di Lorenzo, A., Pasqua, A., Cardu, M., Godio, A., & Seccatore, J. (2019). Simplified methods of geomechanical analysis for small-scale underground mining. In 14th International Congress on Rock Mechanics and Rock Engineering.
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Dragano, M. A., Seccatore, J., Cardu, M., Marin, T., & Bettencourt, J. (2019). Influence of blasting charges and delays on the energy consumption of mechanical crushing. REM, 72(2).
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