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Ferran, S., Beghelli, A., Huerta-Canepa, G., & Jensen, F. (2018). Correctness assessment of a crowdcoding project in a computer programming introductory course. Comput. Appl. Eng. Educ., 26(1), 162–170.
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Hughes, S., Moreno, S., Yushimito, W. F., & Huerta-Canepa, G. (2019). Evaluation of machine learning methodologies to predict stop delivery times from GPS data. Transp. Res. Pt. C-Emerg. Technol., 109, 289–304.
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Poirrier, M., Moreno, S., Huerta-Canepa, G. (2021). Robust h-index. Scientometrics, 126, 1969–1981.
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Rojas, F., Wanke, P., Coluccio, G., Vega-Vargas, J., & Huerta-Canepa, G. F. (2020). Managing slow-moving item: a zero-inflated truncated normal approach for modeling demand. PeerJ Comput. Sci., 6, 22 pp.
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