Kiwi, M., de Espanes, P. M., Rapaport, I., Rica, S., & Theyssier, G. (2014). Strict Majority Bootstrap Percolation in the r-wheel. Inf. Process. Lett., 114(6), 277–281.
Abstract: In the strict Majority Bootstrap Percolation process each passive vertex v becomes active if at least [deg(v)+1/2] of its neighbors are active (and thereafter never changes its state). We address the problem of finding graphs for which a small proportion of initial active vertices is likely to eventually make all vertices active. We study the problem on a ring of n vertices augmented with a “central” vertex u. Each vertex in the ring, besides being connected to u, is connected to its r closest neighbors to the left and to the right. We prove that if vertices are initially active with probability p > 1/4 then, for large values of r, percolation occurs with probability arbitrarily close to I as n -> infinity. Also, if p < 1/4, then the probability of percolation is bounded away from 1. (c) 2014 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.