Concha, P. K., Durka, R., Merino, N., & Rodriguez, E. K. (2016). New family of Maxwell like algebras. Phys. Lett. B, 759, 507–512.
Abstract: We introduce an alternative way of closing Maxwell like algebras. We show, through a suitable change of basis, that resulting algebras are given by the direct sums of the AdS and the Maxwell algebras already known in the literature. Casting the result into the S-expansion method framework ensures the straightaway construction of the gravity theories based on a found enlargement. (C) 2016 The Authors. Published by Elsevier B.V. This is an open access article under the CC BY license.
Concha, P. K., Merino, N., & Rodriguez, E. K. (2017). Lovelock gravities from Born-Infeld gravity theory. Phys. Lett. B, 765, 395–401.
Abstract: We present a Born-Infeld gravity theory based on generalizations of Maxwell symmetries denoted as Cm. We analyze different configuration limits allowing to recover diverse Lovelock gravity actions in six dimensions. Further, the generalization to higher even dimensions is also considered. (C) 2016 The Authors. Published by Elsevier B.V.
Concha, P., Merino, N., Miskovic, O., Rodriguez, E., Salgado-Rebolledo, P., & Valdivia, O. (2018). Asymptotic symmetries of three-dimensional Chern-Simons gravity for the Maxwell algebra. J. High Energy Phys., (10), 22 pp.
Abstract: We study a three-dimensional Chern-Simons gravity theory based on the Maxwell algebra. We find that the boundary dynamics is described by an enlargement and deformation of the bms(3) algebra with three independent central charges. This symmetry arises from a gravity action invariant under the local Maxwell group and is characterized by presence of Abelian generators which modify the commutation relations of the super-translations in the standard bms(3) algebra. Our analysis is based on the charge algebra of the theory in the BMS gauge, which includes the known solutions of standard asymptotically flat case. The field content of the theory is different than the one of General Relativity, but it includes all its geometries as particular solutions. In this line, we also study the stationary solutions of the theory in ADM form and we show that the vacuum energy and the vacuum angular momentum of the stationary configuration are influenced by the presence of the gravitational Maxwell field.
Concha, P. K., Durka, R., Inostroza, C., Merino, N., & Rodriguez, E. K. (2016). Pure Lovelock gravity and Chern-Simons theory. Phys. Rev. D, 94(2), 14 pp.
Abstract: We explore the possibility of finding pure Lovelock gravity as a particular limit of a Chern-Simons action for a specific expansion of the AdS algebra in odd dimensions. We derive in detail this relation at the level of the action in five and seven dimensions. We provide a general result for higher dimensions and discuss some issues arising from the obtained dynamics.