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Slane, J., Vivanco, J., Rose, W., Ploeg, H. L., & Squire, M. (2015). Mechanical, material, and antimicrobial properties of acrylic bone cement impregnated with silver nanoparticles. Mater. Sci. Eng. C-Mater. Biol. Appl., 48, 188–196.
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Slane, J. A., Vivanco, J. F., Rose, W. E., Squire, M. W., & Ploeg, H. L. (2014). The influence of low concentrations of a water soluble poragen on the material properties, antibiotic release, and biofilm inhibition of an acrylic bone cement. Mater. Sci. Eng. C-Mater. Biol. Appl., 42, 168–176.
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