Anabalon, A., Bicak, J., & Saavedra, J. (2014). Hairy black holes: Stability under odd-parity perturbations and existence of slowly rotating solutions. Phys. Rev. D, 90(12), 6 pp.
Abstract: We show that, independently of the scalar field potential and of specific asymptotic properties of the spacetime (asymptotically flat, de Sitter or anti-de Sitter), any static, spherically symmetric or planar, black hole solution of the Einstein theory minimally coupled to a real scalar field with a general potential is mode stable under linear odd-parity perturbations. To this end, we generalize the Regge-Wheeler equation for a generic self-interacting scalar field, and show that the potential of the relevant Schrodinger operator can be mapped, by the so-called S-deformation, to a semipositively defined potential. With these results at hand we study the existence of slowly rotating configurations. The frame dragging effect is compared with the corresponding effect in the case of a Kerr black hole.