Mahajan, S. M., & Asenjo, F. A. (2022). Interacting quantum and classical waves: Resonant and non-resonant energy transfer to electrons immersed in an intense electromagnetic wave. Phys. Plasmas, 29(2), 022107.
Abstract: Dynamics of electrons subjected to a constant amplitude classical electromagnetic (EM) wave is investigated as a fundamental, representative problem in the physics of interacting quantum and classical waves. In the nonrelativistic regime (electrons as Schrodinger waves), the electron energy acquires a constant and a time dependent part. Driven by EM waves, both parts scale strongly with the amplitude, but we expect no resonant enhancement since the parallel electron “speed ” of nonrelativistic electrons could never match the wave phase velocity. In the relativistic regime (electron as a Klein-Gordon wave), however, a class of electron waves (with parallel speed matching the EM phase speed) are resonantly excited to extremely high energies. Such a direct resonant energy transfer from intense electromagnetic waves constitutes a mechanism that could, in principle, power the most energetic of cosmic rays (this mechanism will work on protons just as well). Some predictions of the theory will, hopefully, be tested in laboratory laser experiments. The nonrelativistic calculations will also be examined in the context of recent experiments using photon-induced near-field electron microscopy in detail.
Mahajan, S. M., & Asenjo, F. A. (2023). Parametric amplification of electromagnetic plasma waves in resonance with a dispersive background gravitational wave. Phys. Rev. E, 107(3), 035205.
Abstract: It is shown that a subluminal electromagnetic plasma wave, propagating in phase with a background subluminal gravitational wave in a dispersive medium, can undergo parametric amplification. For these phenomena to occur, the dispersive characteristics of the two waves must properly match. The response frequencies of the two waves (medium dependent) must lie within a definite and restrictive range. The combined dynamics is represented by a Whitaker-Hill equation, the quintessential model for parametric instabilities. The exponential growth of the electromagnetic wave is displayed at the resonance; the plasma wave grows at the expense of the background gravitational wave. Different physical scenarios, where the phenomenon can be possible, are discussed.