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Aguilera, V. M., Vargas, C. A., Lardies, M. A., & Poupin, M. J. (2016). Adaptive variability to low-pH river discharges in Acartia tonsa and stress responses to high PCO2 conditions. Mar. Ecol.-Evol. Persp., 37(1), 215–226.
Abstract: Environmental transitions leading to spatial physical-chemical gradients are of ecological and evolutionary interest because they are able to induce variations in phenotypic plasticity. Thus, the adaptive variability to low-pH river discharges may drive divergent stress responses [ingestion rates (IR) and expression of stress-related genes such as Heat shock protein 70 (Hsp70) and Ferritin] in the neritic copepod Acartia tonsa facing changes in the marine chemistry associated to ocean acidification (OA). These responses were tested in copepod populations inhabiting two environments with contrasting carbonate system parameters (an estuarine versus coastal area) in the Southern Pacific Ocean, and assessing an insitu and 96-h experimental incubation under conditions of high pressure of CO2 (PCO2 1200ppm). Adaptive variability was a determining factor in driving variability of copepods' responses. Thus, the food-rich but colder and corrosive estuary induced a traits trade-off expressed as depressed IR under insitu conditions. However, this experience allowed these copepods to tolerate further exposure to high PCO2 levels better, as their IRs were on average 43% higher thanthose of the coastal individuals. Indeed, expression of both the Hsp70 and Ferritin genes in coastal copepods was significantly higher after acclimation to high PCO2 conditions. Along with other recent evidence, our findings confirm that adaptation to local fluctuations in seawater pH seems to play a significant role in the response of planktonic populations to OA-associated conditions. Facing the environmental threat represented by the inter-play between multiple drivers of climate change, this biological feature should be examined in detail asa potential tool for risk mitigation policies in coastal management arrangements.
Keywords: Adaptive variability; copepods; low pH; ocean acidification; river discharges
Ashfaq, M., Talreja, N., Chauhan, D., Rodriguez, C. A., Mera, A. C., & Mangalaraja, R. V. (2022). Synthesis of reduced graphene oxide incorporated bimetallic (Cu/Bi) nanorods based photocatalyst materials for the degradation of gallic acid and bacteria. J. Ind. Eng. Chem., 110, 447–455.
Abstract: Gallic acid (GA) is a polyphenols compound commonly present in wastewater that immensely affects aquatic and human life. GA is also responsible for the inhibitory effects on the microbial activity in the soil, thereby decreasing the fertility of the soil. Therefore, the removal of GA from the wastewater is necessary to combat such issues. The present study focused on the synthesis of reduced graphene oxide (rGO) incorporated bimetallic (Cu/Bi) based nanorods (r-GO-Cu/Bi-NRs) and their photocatalytic applications. Incorporating GO within the CuBi2O4-NRs might decrease the bandgap value, thereby increasing the interfacial charge transfer. Moreover, GO increased the reactive sites and oxygen defects onto the r-GO-Cu/Bi-NRs that led to the separation rate of the photo-induced charge carriers and migration, thereby enhancing the photodegradation ability of the synthesized r-GO-Cu/Bi-NRs. The synthesis process of the r-GO-Cu/Bi-NRs is facile, novel, and economically viable for the photocatalytic degradation of organic pollutants.
Keywords: Gallic acid; Graphene oxide; Bimetallic; Nanorods; Photocatalysis
Crutchik, D., Frison, N., Eusebi, A. L., & Fatone, F. (2018). Biorefinery of cellulosic primary sludge towards targeted Short Chain Fatty Acids, phosphorus and methane recovery. Water Res., 136, 112–119.
Abstract: Cellulose from used toilet paper is a major untapped resource embedded in municipal wastewater which recovery and valorization to valuable products can be optimized. Cellulosic primary sludge (CPS) can be separated by upstream dynamic sieving and anaerobically digested to recover methane as much as 4.02 m(3)/capita.year. On the other hand, optimal acidogenic fermenting conditions of CPS allows the production of targeted short-chain fatty acids (SCFAs) as much as 2.92 kg COD/capita . year. Here propionate content can be more than 30% and can optimize the enhanced biological phosphorus removal (EBPR) processes or the higher valuable co-polymer of polyhydroxyalkanoates (PHAs). In this work, first a full set of batch assays were used at three different temperatures (37, 55 and 70 degrees C) and three different initial pH (8, 9 and 10) to identify the best conditions for optimizing both the total SCFAs and propionate content from CPS fermentation. Then, the optimal conditions were applied in long term to a Sequencing Batch Fermentation Reactor where the highest propionate production (100-120 mg COD/g TVSfed.d) was obtained at 37 degrees C and adjusting the feeding pH at 8. This was attributed to the higher hydrolysis efficiency of the cellulosic materials (up to 44%), which increased the selective growth of Propionibacterium acidopropionici in the fermentation broth up to 34%. At the same time, around 88% of the phosphorus released during the acidogenic fermentation was recovered as much as 0.15 kg of struvite per capita . year. Finally, the potential market value was preliminary estimated for the recovered materials that can triple over the conventional scenario of biogas recovery in existing municipal wastewater treatment plants. (C) 2018 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Donoso, R., Leiva-Novoa, P., Zuniga, A., Timmermann, T., Recabarren-Gajardo, G., & Gonzalez, B. (2017). Biochemical and Genetic Bases of Indole-3-Acetic Acid (Auxin Phytohormone) Degradation by the Plant-Growth-Promoting Rhizobacterium Paraburkholderia phytofirmans PsJN. Appl. Environ. Microbiol., 83(1), 20 pp.
Abstract: Several bacteria use the plant hormone indole-3-acetic acid (IAA) as a sole carbon and energy source. A cluster of genes (named iac) encoding IAA degradation has been reported in Pseudomonas putida 1290, but the functions of these genes are not completely understood. The plant-growth-promoting rhizobacterium Paraburkholderia phytofirmans PsJN harbors iac gene homologues in its genome, but with a different gene organization and context than those of P. putida 1290. The iac gene functions enable P. phytofirmans to use IAA as a sole carbon and energy source. Employing a heterologous expression system approach, P. phytofirmans iac genes with previously undescribed functions were associated with specific biochemical steps. In addition, two uncharacterized genes, previously unreported in P. putida and found to be related to major facilitator and tautomerase superfamilies, are involved in removal of an IAA metabolite called dioxindole-3-acetate. Similar to the case in strain 1290, IAA degradation proceeds through catechol as intermediate, which is subsequently degraded by ortho-ring cleavage. A putative two-component regulatory system and a LysR-type regulator, which apparently respond to IAA and dioxindole-3-acetate, respectively, are involved in iac gene regulation in P. phytofirmans. These results provide new insights about unknown gene functions and complex regulatory mechanisms in IAA bacterial catabolism. IMPORTANCE This study describes indole-3-acetic acid (auxin phytohormone) degradation in the well-known betaproteobacterium P. phytofirmans PsJN and comprises a complete description of genes, some of them with previously unreported functions, and the general basis of their gene regulation. This work contributes to the understanding of how beneficial bacteria interact with plants, helping them to grow and/or to resist environmental stresses, through a complex set of molecular signals, in this case through degradation of a highly relevant plant hormone.
Duran, C., Arce-Johnson, P., & Aquea, F. (2018). Methylboronic acid fertilization alleviates boron deficiency symptoms in Arabidopsis thaliana. Planta, 248(1), 221–229.
Abstract: Our results showed that methylboronic acid is capable of alleviating boron deficiency, enhancing plant growth, and is less toxic than boric acid at higher concentrations. Boron is an essential plant micronutrient and its deficiency occurs in several regions globally, resulting in impaired plant growth. Boron fertilization is a common agricultural practice, but the action range of boron is narrow, sharply transitioning from deficiency to toxicity. Boric acid (BA) is the most common chemical form used in agriculture. In this work, we describe that methylboronic acid (MBA) is capable of alleviating boron deficiency in Arabidopsis. MBA is a boronic acid, but does not naturally occur in soils, necessitating synthesis. Other boronic acids have been described as boron competitors in plants, inhibiting auxin biosynthesis and root development. MBA is more water-soluble than BA and delivers the same amount of boron per molecule. We observed that Arabidopsis seedlings grown in the presence of MBA presented higher numbers of lateral roots and greater main root length compared to plants grown in BA. In addition, root hair length and leaf surface area were increased using MBA as a boron fertilizer. Finally, MBA was less toxic than BA at high concentrations, producing a slight reduction in the main root length but no decrease in total chlorophyll. Our results open a new opportunity to explore the use of a synthetic form of boron in agriculture, providing a tool for future research for plant nutrition.
Keywords: Boron toxicity; Boron fertilizer; Boronic acid; Boric acid
Garcia-Huidobro, M. R., Poupin, M. J., Urrutia, C., Rodriguez-Navarro, A. B., Grenier, C., Vivanco, J. F., et al. (2021). An intrapopulational study of organic compounds and biomechanical properties of the shell of the Antarctic bivalve Laternula elliptica (P. P. King, 1832) at King George Island. Polar Biol., 44, 1343–1352.
Abstract: Laternula elliptica is a key bivalve species and widely distributed around the Antarctic continent. This bivalve has been the study subject in several studies centered on ecological, physiological, biochemical, and behavioral patterns. However, little is known about the chemistry and the biomechanical properties of the shells of this mollusk. Here, we present the first report of the intra-population variability in the organic composition and mechanical properties of L. elliptica shells. Further, we analyze different morphological traits and their association with the metabolism of a population of L. elliptica from King George Island, Western Antarctic Peninsula. The summer metabolic rates and the hepatosomatic index values indicate good health conditions of this clam's population. Shell periostracum chemistry is quite similar to bivalves from temperate regions, but the relative amount of protein increased ca. five-fold in shells of L. elliptica. The microhardness is approximately 32% lower than in bivalves from temperate regions. Our characterization of the L. elliptica shells suggests that periostracum chemistry could be specially fitted to avoid shell carbon exposure to dissolution (e.g., in corrosive acidified seawater). In contrast, the reduction in shell hardness may result from prioritizing behavioral (burial) and shell repairing strategies to confront biological (predators) and physical disturbances (e.g., ice scouring). Similar studies in other Antarctic mollusks will help understand the role of shell structure and function in confronting projected climate changes in the Antarctic ocean.
Guzman, D., Garcia, C., Soliz, A., Sepulveda, R., Aguilar, C., Rojas, P., et al. (2018). Synthesis and Electrochemical Properties of Ti-Si Alloys Prepared by Mechanical Alloying and Heat Treatment. Metals, 8(6), 417.
Abstract: The aim of this work was to study the synthesis and electrochemical properties of Ti 2 wt %-Si alloys prepared by mechanical alloying (MA) and heat treatment. The MA process was performed under Ar atmosphere. The structural, morphological, and compositional evolutions during the milling and subsequent heat treatment were investigated by X-ray diffraction, energy-dispersive spectroscopy, and scanning electron microscopy. The electrochemical behavior was evaluated by open circuit potential and linear sweep voltammetry measurements. The results showed that the MA process promotes the formation of a supersaturated alpha-Ti-Si solid solution. During heat treatment, the Si remaining in the mechanically alloyed powders and the Si from the alpha-Ti-Si supersaturated solid solution reacted with Ti to form Ti-Si intermetallic compounds. These compounds have a fine and homogeneous distribution in the alpha-Ti matrix, which cannot be achieved by conventional casting methods. Additionally, the electrochemical evaluations revealed that the mechanically alloyed and heat-treated Ti 2 wt %-Si powders have better corrosion resistance in 1.63 M H2SO4 than the pure Ti and MA Ti-Si samples. This is likely due to the particular microstructure produced during the milling and subsequent heat treatment.
Lagos, M., Caceres, C. W., & Lardies, M. A. (2014). Geographic variation in acid- base balance of the intertidal crustacean Cyclograpsus cinereus ( Decapoda, Grapsidae) during air exposure. J. Mar. Biol. Assoc. U.K., 94(1), 159–165.
Abstract: In intertidal poikilotherms with wide geographic distribution, physiological variations are ubiquitous, due to phenotypic plasticity and/or individual geographic variation. Using the grapsid crab, Cyclograpsus cinereus as a study model, acclimatization differences in respiratory physiology were evaluated among populations along the Chilean coast, covering a latitudinal gradient of about 2000km. This species inhabits the supratidal zones and, therefore, is subject to constant immersion and emersion periods, producing physiological acidification due to CO2 retention, mainly in the branchial cavity. Individuals of six populations were collected along the coastline of Chile and were exposed to air for different time periods in the laboratory. The following parameters were measured: pH, Ca2+, Cl- and haemolymphatic lactate dehydrogenase (LDH) enzyme activity. Populations from lower latitudes were significantly different from those from central and southern Chile, with a higher haemolymphatic pH variation and higher Ca2+ level, along with lower levels of Cl- and LDH enzyme activity. This indicates that the populations from lower latitudes, which are subject to higher air temperatures during emersion, have a higher homeostatic capacity during emersion periods than those of intermediate and higher latitudes. This response seems to be determined by genetic bases due to adaptation to the local environment.
Keywords: emersion; latitudinal gradient; respiration; intertidal; Chile; lactate dehydrogenase; LDH; acidosis
Lagos, N. A., Benitez, S., Grenier, C., Rodriguez-Navarro, A. B., Garcia-Herrera, C., Abarca-Ortega, A., et al. (2021). Plasticity in organic composition maintains biomechanical performance in shells of juvenile scallops exposed to altered temperature and pH conditions. Sci. Rep., 11(1), 24201.
Abstract: The exposure to environmental variations in pH and temperature has proven impacts on benthic ectotherms calcifiers, as evidenced by tradeoffs between physiological processes. However, how these stressors affect structure and functionality of mollusk shells has received less attention. Episodic events of upwelling of deep cold and low pH waters are well documented in eastern boundary systems and may be stressful to mollusks, impairing both physiological and biomechanical performance. These events are projected to become more intense, and extensive in time with ongoing global warming. In this study, we evaluate the independent and interactive effects of temperature and pH on the biomineral and biomechanical properties of Argopecten purpuratus scallop shells. Total organic matter in the shell mineral increased under reduced pH (similar to 7.7) and control conditions (pH similar to 8.0). The periostracum layer coating the outer shell surface showed increased protein content under low pH conditions but decreasing sulfate and polysaccharides content. Reduced pH negatively impacts shell density and increases the disorder in the orientation of calcite crystals. At elevated temperatures (18 degrees C), shell microhardness increased. Other biomechanical properties were not affected by pH/temperature treatments. Thus, under a reduction of 0.3 pH units and low temperature, the response of A. purpuratus was a tradeoff among organic compounds (biopolymer plasticity), density, and crystal organization (mineral plasticity) to maintain shell biomechanical performance, while increased temperature ameliorated the impacts on shell hardness. Biopolymer plasticity was associated with ecophysiological performance, indicating that, under the influence of natural fluctuations in pH and temperature, energetic constraints might be critical in modulating the long-term sustainability of this compensatory mechanism.
Lardies, M. A., Caballero, P., Duarte, C., & Poupin, M. J. (2021). Geographical Variation in Phenotypic Plasticity of Intertidal Sister Limpet's Species Under Ocean Acidification Scenarios. Front. Mar. Sci., 8, 647087.
Abstract: Ocean Acidification (OA) can have pervasive effects in calcifying marine organisms, and a better understanding of how different populations respond at the physiological and evolutionary level could help to model the impacts of global change in marine ecosystems. Due to its natural geography and oceanographic processes, the Chilean coast provides a natural laboratory where benthic organisms are frequently exposed to diverse projected OA scenarios. The goal of this study was to assess whether a population of mollusks thriving in a more variable environment (Talcaruca) would present higher phenotypic plasticity in physiological and morphological traits in response to different pCO(2) when compared to a population of the same species from a more stable environment (Los Molles). To achieve this, two benthic limpets (Scurria zebrina and Scurria viridula) inhabiting these two contrasting localities were exposed to ocean acidification experimental conditions representing the current pCO(2) in the Chilean coast (500 mu atm) and the levels predicted for the year 2100 in upwelling zones (1500 (mu atm). Our results show that the responses to OA are species-specific, even in this related species. Interestingly, S. viridula showed better performance under OA than S. zebrina (i.e., similar sizes and carbonate content in individuals from both populations; lower effects of acidification on the growth rate combined with a reduction of metabolism at higher pCO2). Remarkably, these characteristics could explain this species' success in overstepping the biogeographical break in the area of Talcaruca, which S. zebrina cannot achieve. Besides, the results show that the habitat factor has a strong influence on some traits. For instance, individuals from Talcaruca presented a higher growth rate plasticity index and lower shell dissolution rates in acidified conditions than those from Los Molles. These results show that limpets from the variable environment tend to display higher plasticity, buffering the physiological effects of OA compared with limpets from the more stable environment. Taken together, these findings highlight the key role of geographic variation in phenotypic plasticity to determine the vulnerability of calcifying organisms to future scenarios of OA.
Nam, M., Park, Y., Lee, C., Kim, G., Larrain, F. A., Fuente-Hernandez, C., et al. (2023). Single-layer organic photovoltaics fabricated via solution-based electrical doping of ternary bulk heterojunction films. Chem. Eng. J., 466, 143340.
Abstract: The commercial viability of organic photovoltaics (OPVs) can be improved by simplifying their device geometry and easing fabrication complexity. Here, we demonstrate that solution-based p-type electrical doping of ternary bulk heterojunction (BHJ) films, which comprise 2 donor polymers and 1 fullerene acceptor (2D:1A), enables the realization of efficient single-layer OPVs. Systematic and detailed investigations of the optoelectronic charac-teristics of films with varying donor ratios, and their photovoltaic performance, demonstrate p-type electrical doping via post-process immersion into a 12-molybdophosphoric acid hydrate (PMA) solution, resulting in a reduced trap density and charge recombination without significantly changing the BHJ morphology. Further-more, PMA doping of films comprising optimized ternary blend compositions and polyethylenimine enables the demonstration of single-layer OPVs with economic top electrode metals and a high level of performance under outdoor and indoor illumination conditions. These PMA-doped 2D:1A BHJ films are an attractive platform to reduce the efficiency-cost gap and accelerate the commercialization of OPVs for emerging applications.
Osores, S. J. A., Lagos, N. A., Martin, V. S., Manriquez, P. H., Vargas, C. A., Torres, R., et al. (2017). Plasticity and inter-population variability in physiological and life-history traits of the mussel Mytilus chilensis: A reciprocal transplant experiment. J. Exp. Mar. Biol. Ecol., 490, 1–12.
Abstract: Geographically widespread species must cope with environmental differences between habitats. Information concerning geographic variations in response to climate variability is critical because many morphological, life history and physiological traits show variation across space. Reciprocal transplant experiments have shown to be relevant to evaluate the role of phenotypic plasticity and potential local adaptation in ecophysiological responses when coping with environmental variability. In this study, we characterize through reciprocal transplant experiments the reaction norms of morphological, biochemical, physiological and life-history traits between two intertidal populations of the socioeconomically important mussel Mytilus chilensis, inhabiting contrasting local environments (estuarine vs coastal habitats). We found a gradient in phenotypic plasticity with plastic trait responses in metabolic, ingestion and clearance rates, and in HsP(70) gene expression, and some traits with responses more canalized as growth and calcification rates. This emphasizes that responses not only vary across different local populations but also in different traits in M. chilensis, thus it is difficult to establish an overall trend of the responses at integrated organismal level. Moreover, the synergistic interaction of factors such as salinity and carbonate system parameters evaluated make it necessary to study the response at the population level with emphasis on benthic species important in aquaculture. Finally, field studies such as this one are useful for documenting the patterns of traits variation that occur in nature, identifying possible causes of such variation, and generating testable hypotheses for future controlled experiments. (C) 2017 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
Palmeiro-Sanchez, T., Campos, J. L., & Mosquera-Corral, A. (2021). Bioconversion of Organic Pollutants in Fish-Canning Wastewater into Volatile Fatty Acids and Polyhydroxyalkanoate. Int. J. Environ. Res. Public Health, 18(19), 10176.
Abstract: The wastewater from the cookers of a tuna-canning plant was used as feedstock for the process. It was acidified in a continuous stirred tank reactor (CSTR) of 1.5 L to produce a mixture of volatile fatty acids (VFAs). The effluent contained 28.3 & PLUSMN; 8.7 g CODS/L and 25.0 & PLUSMN; 4.6 g CODVFA/L, 4.4 & PLUSMN; 1.6 g NH4+/L, and 10.9 & PLUSMN; 4.0 g Na+/L, which corresponds to about 28 g NaCl/L approximately. This was used to feed a PHA production system. The enriched MMC presented a capacity to accumulate PHAs from the fermented tuna wastewater. The maximum PHA content of the biomass in the fed-batch (8.35 wt% PHA) seemed very low, possibly due to the variable salinity (from 2.2 up to 12.3 g NaCl/L) and the presence of ammonium (which promoted the biomass growth). The batch assay showed a PHA accumulation of 5.70 wt% PHA, but this is a much better result if the productivity of the reactor is taken into account. The fed-batch reactor had a productivity of 10.3 mg PHA/(L h), while the batch value was about five times higher (55.4 mg PHA/(L h)). At the sight of the results, it can be seen that the acidification of fish-canning wastewater is possible even at high saline concentrations (27.7 g NaCl/L). On the other hand, the enrichment and accumulation results show us promising news and which direction has to be followed: PHAs can be obtained from challenging substrates, and the feeding mode during the accumulation stage has an important role to play when it comes to inhibition.
Palmeiro-Sanchez, T., Fra-Vazquez, A., Rey-Martinez, N., Campos, J. L., & Mosquera-Corral, A. (2016). Transient concentrations of NaCl affect the PHA accumulation in mixed microbial culture. J. Hazard. Mater., 306, 332–339.
Abstract: The present study explores the feasibility of the accumulation of polyhydroxyalkanoates (PHAs) under the presence of transient concentrations of added sodium chloride, by means of a mixed microbial culture (MMC). This culture was enriched on a mixture of volatile fatty acids (VFAs) containing 0.8 g Na+/L, as NaOH. This MMC presented a maximum PHA accumulation capacity of 53 wt% with 27 Cmol% HV. Accumulation experiments performed with added NaCI at concentrations of 7, 13 and 20 g/L shown that this salt provoked a decrease of the biomass PHA production rate, with an IC50 value close to 7 g NaCl/L. The accumulated PHA was lower than the corresponding value of the assay without the addition of salt. Furthermore, the composition of the biopolymer, in terms of HB:HV ratio, changed from 2.71 to 6.37 Cmol/Cmol, which means a HV decrease between 27 and 14 Cmol%. Summarizing, the PHA accumulation by a MMC non-adapted to saline conditions affected the polymer composition and lead to lower production yields and rates than in absence of added NaCl. (C) 2015 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
Pedrouso, A., Correa-Galeote, D., Maza-Marquez, P., Juarez-Jimenez, B., Gonzalez-Lopez, J., Rodelas, B., et al. (2021). Understanding the microbial trends in a nitritation reactor fed with primary settled municipal wastewater. Sep. Purif. Technol., 256, 117828.
Abstract: Partial nitritation was pointed out as the key step to implement the autotrophic nitrogen removal processes at low temperature. This study investigated the initiation and maintenance of a nitritation process with simultaneous COD removal in a sequencing batch reactor (SBR) run at 15 degrees C and fed with primary settled urban wastewater characterized by 42 +/- 10 mg TOC/L and 45 +/- 4 mg NH4+-N/L. A nitrite accumulation ratio of nearly 100% was observed and the long-term (354 days) process stability was successfully maintained despite the municipal wastewater composition fluctuations. The absence of nitrite oxidizing bacteria (NOB) activity was attributed to the free nitrous acid (FNA) in-situ accumulated at high levels (0.02-0.20 mg HNO2-N/L). Despite nitrate production was not observed, the quantification of bacterial groups indicated that NOB were present in the SBR sludge throughout the entire operational period. Ammonium oxidizing bacteria (AOB) abundance and community structure were significantly influenced by the organic matter present in the feeding. Average organic matter removal efficiencies of 80% were obtained without observing any detrimental effect over the nitritation process performance, due to the functional redundancy within both the chemoheterotrophic and AOB communities.
Pedrouso, A., del Rio, A. V., Morales, N., Vazquez-Padin, J. R., Campos, J. L., Mendez, R., et al. (2017). Nitrite oxidizing bacteria suppression based on in-situ free nitrous acid production at mainstream conditions. Sep. Purif. Technol., 186, 55–62.
Abstract: The application of autotrophic nitrogen removal processes in the main line of wastewater treatment plants will contribute to achieve its self-energy-sufficiency. However, the effective suppression of nitrite oxidizing bacteria (NOB) activity at the conditions of low temperature and low ammonium concentration (mainstream conditions) was identified as one of the main bottlenecks. In this study, stable partial nitritation at 16 degrees C and 50 mg NH4+-N/L was achieved maintaining inside the reactor free nitrous acid (FNA) concentrations inhibitory for NOB (>0.02 mg HNO2-N/L), without dissolved oxygen concentration control, The FNA inhibitory concentration was generated by the partial nitritation process, and its stimulation was studied with two different inhibitors: sodium azide and nitrite. The microbiological analysis revealed that, throughout the operational period with inhibitory FNA levels, the NOB populations (dominated by Nitrospira) were effectively washed out from the reactor. This is an advantage that allowed maintaining a good stability of the process, even when the FNA concentration was not enough to inhibit the NOB, taking about 40 days to develop significant activity. The observed delay on the NOB development is expected to enable the establishment of corrective actions to avoid the partial nitritation destabilization. The use of the FNA to achieve a stable partial nitritation process is recommended to profit from the natural pH decrease associated to the nitritation process and from its favoured accumulation at low temperatures as those from the mainstream. In this research study an analysis about the influence of ammonium and alkalinity concentrations was also performed to know in which scenarios the FNA inhibitory concentration can be achieved. (C) 2017 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
Ramajo, L., Marba, N., Prado, L., Peron, S., Lardies, M. A., Rodriguez-Navarro, A. B., et al. (2016). Biomineralization changes with food supply confer juvenile scallops (Argopecten purpuratus) resistance to ocean acidification. Glob. Change Biol., 22(6), 2025–2037.
Abstract: Future ocean acidification (OA) will affect physiological traits of marine species, with calcifying species being particularly vulnerable. As OA entails high energy demands, particularly during the rapid juvenile growth phase, food supply may play a key role in the response of marine organisms to OA. We experimentally evaluated the role of food supply in modulating physiological responses and biomineralization processes in juveniles of the Chilean scallop, Argopecten purpuratus, that were exposed to control (pH similar to 8.0) and low pH (pH similar to 7.6) conditions using three food supply treatments (high, intermediate, and low). We found that pH and food levels had additive effects on the physiological response of the juvenile scallops. Metabolic rates, shell growth, net calcification, and ingestion rates increased significantly at low pH conditions, independent of food. These physiological responses increased significantly in organisms exposed to intermediate and high levels of food supply. Hence, food supply seems to play a major role modulating organismal response by providing the energetic means to bolster the physiological response of OA stress. On the contrary, the relative expression of chitin synthase, a functional molecule for biomineralization, increased significantly in scallops exposed to low food supply and low pH, which resulted in a thicker periostracum enriched with chitin polysaccharides. Under reduced food and low pH conditions, the adaptive organismal response was to trade-off growth for the expression of biomineralization molecules and altering of the organic composition of shell periostracum, suggesting that the future performance of these calcifiers will depend on the trajectories of both OA and food supply. Thus, incorporating a suite of traits and multiple stressors in future studies of the adaptive organismal response may provide key insights on OA impacts on marine calcifiers.
Ramajo, L., Rodriguez-Navarro, A. B., Duarte, C. M., Lardies, M. A., & Lagos, N. A. (2015). Shifts in shell mineralogy and metabolism of Concholepas concholepas juveniles along the Chilean coast. Mar. Freshw. Res., 66(12), 1147–1157.
Abstract: Along the west coast of South America, from the tropical zone to the Patagonian waters, there is a significant latitudinal gradient in seawater temperature, salinity and carbonate chemistry. These physical-chemical changes in seawater induce morphological and physiological responses in calcifying organisms, which may alter their energy budget and calcification processes. In this study, we study the organism energy maintenance (i.e. metabolic rate) and mineralogical composition of the shell of the juvenile marine snails Concholepas concholepas (Gastropoda: Muricidae), collected from benthic populations located similar to 2000km apart, varies across geographic regions along the Chilean coast. We found that in juvenile snails, the calcite:aragonite ratio in the pallial shell margin (i.e. newly deposited shell) increase significantly from northern to southern populations and this increase in calcite precipitation in the shell of juveniles snails was associated with a decrease in oxygen consumption rates in these populations. Our result suggests that calcite secretion may be favoured when metabolic rates are lowered, as this carbonate mineral phase might be less energetically costly for the organism to precipitate. This result is discussed in relation to the natural process such as coastal upwelling and freshwater inputs that promote geographic variation in levels of pH and carbonate saturation state in seawater along the Chilean coast.
Keywords: calcium carbonate; metabolism; ocean acidification; temperature
Saavedra, L. M., Saldias, G. S., Broitman, B. R., & Vargas, C. A. (2021). Carbonate chemistry dynamics in shellfish farming areas along the Chilean coast: natural ranges and biological implications. ICES J. Mar. Sci., 78(1), 323–339.
Abstract: The increasing shellfish aquaculture requires knowledge about nearshore environmental variability to manage sustainably and create climate change adaptation strategies. We used data from mooring time series and in situ sampling to characterize oceanographic and carbonate system variability in three bivalve aquaculture areas located along a latitudinal gradient off the Humboldt Current System. Our results showed pH(T) <8 in most coastal sites and occasionally below 7.5 during austral spring-summer in the lower (-30 degrees S) and central (-37 degrees S) latitudes, related to upwelling. Farmed mussels were exposed to undersaturated (Omega(arag) < 1) and hypoxic (<2 ml l(-1)) waters during warm seasons at -37 degrees S, while in the higher latitude (43 degrees S) undersaturated waters were only detected during colder seasons, associated with freshwater runoff. We suggest that both Argopecten purpuratus farmed at -30 degrees S and Mytilus chilensis farmed at -43 degrees S may enhance their growth during summer due to higher temperatures, lower pCO(2), and oversaturated waters. In contrast, Mytilus galloprovincialis farmed at 37 degrees S grows better during spring-summer, following higher temperatures and high pCO(2). This knowledge is relevant for aquaculture, but it must be improved using high-resolution time series and in situ experimentation with farmed species to aid their adaptation to climate change and ocean acidification.
Torres, R., Manriquez, P. H., Duarte, C., Navarro, J. M., Lagos, N. A., Vargas, C. A., et al. (2013). Evaluation of a semi-automatic system for long-term seawater carbonate chemistry manipulation. Rev. Chil. Hist. Nat., 86(4), 443–451.
Abstract: The assessment of the effects of Ocean Acidification (OA) on marine life has received increasing attention in recent marine research. On a mesocosmic scale, the CO2 levels in seawater can be manipulated to evaluate experimentally the consequences of OA on marine organisms (vertebrates and invertebrates). An ideal manipulation of carbonate chemistry should mimic exactly the changes to carbonate chemistry, which will occur in years to come. Although some methods have been described in the literature, here we describe in detail a simple, robust and inexpensive system to produce CO2-enriched seawater by bubbling the seawater with air-CO2 mixtures. The system uses mass flow controllers (MFC) to blend atmospheric air with pure CO2 to produce two pCO(2) levels. The air-CO2 mixtures are delivered continuously to seawater equilibration reservoirs, and simultaneously to an infrared CO2 analyser to verify CO2 levels in the air-CO2 mixture delivered to the equilibration tanks. We monitored both pH and total alkalinity in the equilibration reservoirs over a period of one year in order to document the long-term performance of this system for simulating the future carbonate chemistry of seawater in a coastal laboratory. System performance was sufficient to maintain three contrasting (e.g., 397, 709 and 1032 matm) and relatively constant (the coefficient of variability was 11 %, 9 % and 9 % respectively) seawater pCO(2) during a year-long monitoring.