Eberhardt, J., Hobson, M. J., Henning, T., Trifonov, T., Brahm, R., Espinoza, N., et al. (2023). Three Warm Jupiters around Solar-analog Stars Detected with TESS. Astron. J., 166(6), 271.
Abstract: We report the discovery and characterization of three giant exoplanets orbiting solar-analog stars, detected by the TESS space mission and confirmed through ground-based photometry and radial velocity measurements taken at La Silla observatory with FEROS. TOI-2373 b is a warm Jupiter orbiting its host star every similar to 13.3 days, and is one of the most massive known exoplanet with a precisely determined mass and radius around a star similar to the Sun, with an estimated mass of m(p) = 9.3(-0.2)(+0.2)Mjup and a radius of r(p) = 0.93(-0.2)(+0.2) jup. With a mean density of r = 14.4 1.0 g cm + 0.9 -3, TOI-2373 b is among the densest planets discovered so far. TOI-2416 b orbits its host star on a moderately eccentric orbit with a period of similar to 8.3 days and an eccentricity of e = 0.32 0.02 + 0.02. TOI-2416 b is more massive than Jupiter with m(p) = 3.0 +0.09 M 0.10 jup, however is significantly smaller with a radius of r(p) = 0.88 + 0.02 ,R 0.02 jup, leading to a high mean density of r = 5.4 0.3 g cm + 0.3 -3. TOI-2524 b is a warm Jupiter near the hot Jupiter transition region, orbiting its star every similar to 7.2 days on a circular orbit. It is less massive than Jupiter with a mass of m(p)=0.64- + 0.04 M 0.04 jup, and is consistent with an inflated radius of r(p)= 1.00- + 0.03 R 0.02 jup, leading to a low mean density of r = 0.79 0.08 g cm + 0.08 -3. The newly discovered exoplanets TOI-2373 b, TOI-2416 b, and TOI-2524 b have estimated equilibrium temperatures of 860 10 +10 K, 1080 10 +10 K, and 1100-20 +20 K, respectively, placing them in the sparsely populated transition zone between hot and warm Jupiters.
Hobson, M. J., Trifonov, T., Henning, T., Jordan, A., Rojas, F., Espinoza, N., et al. (2023). Alert Results TOI-199 b: A Well-characterized 100 day Transiting Warm Giant Planet with TTVs Seen from Antarctica 41 of 41 TOI-199 b: A Well-characterized 100 day Transiting Warm Giant Planet with TTVs Seen from Antarctica. Astron. J., 166(5), 201.
Abstract: We present the spectroscopic confirmation and precise mass measurement of the warm giant planet TOI-199 b. This planet was first identified in TESS photometry and confirmed using ground-based photometry from ASTEP in Antarctica including a full 6.5 hr long transit, PEST, Hazelwood, and LCO; space photometry from NEOSSat; and radial velocities (RVs) from FEROS, HARPS, CORALIE, and CHIRON. Orbiting a late G-type star, TOI-199 b has a 104.854-0.002+0.001day period, a mass of 0.17 +/- 0.02 M J, and a radius of 0.810 +/- 0.005 R J. It is the first warm exo-Saturn with a precisely determined mass and radius. The TESS and ASTEP transits show strong transit timing variations (TTVs), pointing to the existence of a second planet in the system. The joint analysis of the RVs and TTVs provides a unique solution for the nontransiting companion TOI-199 c, which has a period of 273.69-0.22+0.26days and an estimated mass of 0.28-0.01+0.02MJ . This period places it within the conservative habitable zone.
Pinto-Rios, J., Calderon, F., Leiva, A., Hermosilla, G., Beghelli, A., Borquez-Paredes, D., et al. (2023). Resource Allocation in Multicore Elastic Optical Networks: A Deep Reinforcement Learning Approach. Complexity, 2023, 4140594.
Abstract: A deep reinforcement learning (DRL) approach is applied, for the first time, to solve the routing, modulation, spectrum, and core allocation (RMSCA) problem in dynamic multicore fiber elastic optical networks (MCF-EONs). To do so, a new environment was designed and implemented to emulate the operation of MCF-EONs – taking into account the modulation format-dependent reach and intercore crosstalk (XT) – and four DRL agents were trained to solve the RMSCA problem. The blocking performance of the trained agents was compared through simulation to 3 baselines RMSCA heuristics. Results obtained for the NSFNet and COST239 network topologies under different traffic loads show that the best-performing agent achieves, on average, up to a four-times decrease in blocking probability with respect to the best-performing baseline heuristic method.
Villalon, J., & Calvo, R. A. (2013). A Decoupled Architecture for Scalability in Text Mining Applications. J. Univers. Comput. Sci., 19(3), 406–427.
Abstract: Sophisticated Text Mining features such as visualization, summarization, and clustering are becoming increasingly common in software applications. In Text Mining, documents are processed using techniques from different areas which can be very expensive in computation cost. This poses a scalability challenge for real-life applications in which users behavior can not be entirely predicted. This paper proposes a decoupled architecture for document processing in Text Mining applications, that allows applications to be scalable for large corpora and real-time processing. It contributes a software architecture designed around these requirements and presents TML, a Text Mining Library that implements the architecture. An experimental evaluation on its scalability using a standard corpus is also presented, and empirical evidence on its performance as part of an automated feedback system for writing tasks used by real students.