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Canessa, E., & Chaigneau, S. (2014). The dynamics of social agreement according to Conceptual Agreement Theory. Qual. Quant., 48(6), 3289–3309.
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Canessa, E., Chaigneau, S. E., & Moreno, S. (2022). Using agreement probability to study differences in types of concepts and conceptualizers. Behav. Res. Methods, Early Access.
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Canessa, E. C., & Chaigneau, S. E. (2016). When are concepts comparable across minds? Qual. Quant., 50(3), 1367–1384.
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Chaigneau, S. E., Canessa, E., Barra, C., & Lagos, R. (2018). The role of variability in the property listing task. Behav. Res. Methods, 50(3), 972–988.
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Chaigneau, S. E., Canessa, E., & Gaete, J. (2012). Conceptual agreement theory. New Ideas Psychol., 30(2), 179–189.
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Vera, J. (2018). An Agent-Based Model for the Role of Short-Term Memory Enhancement in the Emergence of Grammatical Agreement. Artif. Life, 24(2), 119–127.
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