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Espinoza-Retamal, J. I., Brahm, R., Petrovich, C., Jordán, A., Stefánsson, G., Sedaghati, E., et al. (2023). The Aligned Orbit of the Eccentric Proto Hot Jupiter TOI-3362b. Astrophys. J. Lett., 958(2), L20.
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Kalyaan, A., Pinilla, P., Krijt, S., Mulders, G. D., & Banzatti, A. (2021). Linking Outer Disk Pebble Dynamics and Gaps to Inner Disk Water Enrichment. Astrophys. J., 921(1), 84.
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Mireles, I., Shporer, A., Grieves, N., Zhou, G., Gunther, M. N., Brahm, R., et al. (2020). TOI 694b and TIC 220568520b: Two Low-mass Companions near the Hydrogen-burning Mass Limit Orbiting Sun-like Stars. Astron. J., 160(3), 13 pp.
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Rojas, P. A.., Martinez, C., Aguilar, C., Briones, F., Zelaya, M. E., & Guzman, D. (2016). Characterization of phase changes during fabrication of copper alloys, crystalline and non-crystalline, prepared by mechanical alloying. Ing. Invest., 36(3), 102–109.
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Sedaghati, E., Jordan, A., Brahm, R., Munoz, D. J., Petrovich, C., & Hobson, M. J. (2023). Orbital Alignment of the Eccentric Warm Jupiter TOI-677 b. Astron. J., 166(3), 130.
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