Baler, R. V., Wijnhoven, I. B., del Valle, V. I., Giovanetti, C. M., & Vivanco, J. F. (2019). Microporosity Clustering Assessment in Calcium Phosphate Bioceramic Particles. Front. Bioeng. Biotechnol., 7(281), 7 pp.
Abstract: There has been an increase in the application of different biomaterials to repair hard tissues. Within these biomaterials, calcium phosphate (CaP) bioceramics are suitable candidates, since they can be biocompatible, biodegradable, osteoinductive, and osteoconductive. Moreover, during sintering, bioceramic materials are prone to form micropores and undergo changes in their surface topographical features, which influence cellular physiology and bone ingrowth. In this study, five geometrical properties from the surface of CaP bioceramic particles and their micropores were analyzed by data mining techniques, driven by the research question: what are the geometrical properties of individual micropores in a CaP bioceramic, and how do they relate to each other? The analysis not only shows that it is feasible to determine the existence of micropore clusters, but also to quantify their geometrical properties. As a result, these CaP bioceramic particles present three groups of micropore clusters distinctive by their geometrical properties. Consequently, this new methodological clustering assessment can be applied to advance the knowledge about CaP bioceramics and their role in bone tissue engineering.
Beltran, J. F., Zamorano, M., Belen, L. H., Risopatron, J., Valdebenito, I., Norambuena, J. A., et al. (2021). A differential proteomic study reveals the downregulation of several plasma membrane Ca2+-binding proteins in the sperm of Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar) following cold storage. Aquaculture, 545, 737211.
Abstract: Sperm motility is a key event in fertilization, which is regulated by different factors. Among the factors that most affect sperm motility in fish are the external concentrations of Ca2+, the influence of which is highly regulated by various plasma membrane Ca2+-binding proteins. Concentrations of this cation have also been shown to be one of the most important factors affecting motility in cold-stored sperm cells. Taking into account the aforementioned aspects, we carried out a differential proteomic study on Salmo salar sperm stored at 4 degrees C with the aim of evaluating the protein profile on day 0 and day 14. The results of our study showed that 401 proteins were significantly downregulated (p < 0.05) on day 14, where four of them are key in the sperm motility of Salmo salar. The results of this study will allow a better understanding of the sperm activation mechanisms of Salmo salar, which will be of great importance in the design of future cold storage strategies for sperm preservation.
del Rio, A. V., Buys, B., Campos, J. L., Mendez, R., & Mosquera-Corral, A. (2015). Optimizing upflow velocity and calcium precipitation in denitrifying granular systems. Process Biochem., 50(10), 1656–1661.
Abstract: The denitrification process was studied in two granular biomass denitrifying reactors (USB1 and USB2). In USB1 large quantities of biomass were accumulated (9.5 gVSS L-1) allowing for the treatment of high nitrogen loads (3.5 g NO3--N L-1 d(-1)). As the biomass granulation process is not immediate the effects of different upflow velocities (0.12-5.5 m h(-1)) and calcium contents (5-200 mg Ca2+ L-1) were studied in order to speed up the process. Obtained results indicate that the optimum values for these parameters, which allow for the stable operation of USB1, are of 0.19 m h(-1) and 60 mg Ca2+ L-1. Then these optimum conditions were applied to USB2 where the effects of concentrations from 335 to 1000 mg NO3--N L-1 were tested. In these conditions nitrate concentrations of 1000 mg NO3--N L-1 are required for denitrifying granular biomass formation. Summarizing denitrifying granules can be formed at low upflow velocities and in hard or extremely hard water composition conditions if sufficient high nitrogen loads are treated. (C) 2015 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Millan, C., Vivanco, J. F., Benjumeda-Wijnhoven, I. M., Bjelica, S., & Santibanez, J. F. (2018). Mesenchymal Stem Cells and Calcium Phosphate Bioceramics: Implications in Periodontal Bone Regeneration. Adv.Exp.Med.Biol., 1107, 91–112.
Abstract: In orthopedic medicine, a feasible reconstruction of bone structures remains one of the main challenges both for healthcare and for improvement of patients' quality of life. There is a growing interest in mesenchymal stem cells (MSCs) medical application, due to their multilineage differentiation potential, and tissue engineering integration to improve bone repair and regeneration. In this review we will describe the main characteristics of MSCs, such as osteogenesis, immunomodulation and antibacterial properties, key parameters to consider during bone repair strategies. Moreover, we describe the properties of calciumphosphate (CaP) bioceramics, which demonstrate to be useful tools in combination with MSCs, due to their biocompatibility, osseointegration and osteoconduction for bone repair and regeneration. Also, we overview the main characteristics of dental cavity MSCs, which are promising candidates, in combination with CaP bioceramics, for bone regeneration and tissue engineering. The understanding of MSCs biology and their interaction with CaP bioceramics and other biomaterials is critical for orthopedic surgical bone replacement, reconstruction and regeneration, which is an integrative and dynamic medical, scientific and bioengineering field of research and biotechnology.
Ramajo, L., Rodriguez-Navarro, A. B., Duarte, C. M., Lardies, M. A., & Lagos, N. A. (2015). Shifts in shell mineralogy and metabolism of Concholepas concholepas juveniles along the Chilean coast. Mar. Freshw. Res., 66(12), 1147–1157.
Abstract: Along the west coast of South America, from the tropical zone to the Patagonian waters, there is a significant latitudinal gradient in seawater temperature, salinity and carbonate chemistry. These physical-chemical changes in seawater induce morphological and physiological responses in calcifying organisms, which may alter their energy budget and calcification processes. In this study, we study the organism energy maintenance (i.e. metabolic rate) and mineralogical composition of the shell of the juvenile marine snails Concholepas concholepas (Gastropoda: Muricidae), collected from benthic populations located similar to 2000km apart, varies across geographic regions along the Chilean coast. We found that in juvenile snails, the calcite:aragonite ratio in the pallial shell margin (i.e. newly deposited shell) increase significantly from northern to southern populations and this increase in calcite precipitation in the shell of juveniles snails was associated with a decrease in oxygen consumption rates in these populations. Our result suggests that calcite secretion may be favoured when metabolic rates are lowered, as this carbonate mineral phase might be less energetically costly for the organism to precipitate. This result is discussed in relation to the natural process such as coastal upwelling and freshwater inputs that promote geographic variation in levels of pH and carbonate saturation state in seawater along the Chilean coast.
Wu, Y. X., Huang, M. Y., He, C. N., Wang, K. T., Nhung, N. T. H., Lu, S. M., et al. (2022). The Influence of Air Nanobubbles on Controlling the Synthesis of Calcium Carbonate Crystals. Materials, 15(21), 7437.
Abstract: Numerous approaches have been developed to control the crystalline and morphology of calcium carbonate. In this paper, nanobubbles were studied as a novel aid for the structure transition from vaterite to calcite. The vaterite particles turned into calcite (100%) in deionized water containing nanobubbles generated by high-speed shearing after 4 h, in comparison to a mixture of vaterite (33.6%) and calcite (66.3%) by the reaction in the deionized water in the absence of nanobubbles. The nanobubbles can coagulate with calcite based on the potential energy calculated and confirmed by the extended DLVO (Derjaguin-Landau-Verwey-Overbeek) theory. According to the nanobubble bridging capillary force, nanobubbles were identified as the binder in strengthening the coagulation between calcite and vaterite and accelerated the transformation from vaterite to calcite.
Zuniga-Barra, H., Ortega-Martinez, E., Toledo-Alarcon, J., Torres-Aravena, A., Jorquera, L., Rivas, M., et al. (2023). Potential Use of Microbially Induced Calcite Precipitation for the Biocementation of Mine Tailings. Minerals, 13(4), 506.
Abstract: Mining activities offer clear economic benefits for mineral-rich countries. However, mining operations can produce several environmental impacts. Many of these are associated with generating and managing mining waste known as tailings, which are typically stored in surface facilities. Windblown dust emissions from tailing deposits can cause severe damage to local ecosystems and adverse health effects for the surrounding population. Microbially induced calcite precipitation (MICP) can be used for the superficial biocementation of tailings, thereby preventing such emissions. This research studied the capacity of MICP for the biocementation of tailings. The effect of applying different doses of biocementation reagents and two different methods for their application were evaluated. Results show that a relevant increase in surface strength can be achieved, especially if reagents are mechanically mixed with the tailings to induce a more homogeneous distribution of precipitates. Micrographical and mineralogical analysis by SEM, FTIR and XRD analysis showed the precipitation of calcium in the form of anorthite, calcite or vaterite. Overall results indicate that calcite precipitation can be induced in tailing by microorganisms with urease activity, providing a potential technique for the biocementation of this material.