Arriagada, R., Aldunce, P., Blanco, G., Ibarra, C., Moraga, P., Nahuelhual, L., et al. (2018). Climate change governance in the anthropocene: emergence of polycentrism in Chile. Elementa-Sci. Anthrop., 6, 13 pp.
Abstract: Multilateral efforts are essential to an effective response to climate change, but individual nations define climate action policy by translating local and global objectives into adaptation and mitigation actions. We propose a conceptual framework to explore opportunities for polycentric climate governance, understanding polycentricity as a property that encompasses the potential for coordinating multiple centers of semiautonomous decision-making. We assert that polycentrism engages a diverse array of public and private actors for a more effective approach to reducing the threat of climate change. In this way, polycentrism may provide an appropriate strategy for addressing the many challenges of climate governance in the Anthropocene. We review two Chilean case studies: Chile's Nationally Determined Contribution on Climate Change and the Chilean National Climate Change Action Plan. Our examination demonstrates that Chile has included a diversity of actors and directed significant financial resources to both processes. The central government coordinated both of these processes, showing the key role of interventions at higher jurisdictional levels in orienting institutional change to improve strategic planning and better address climate change. Both processes also provide some evidence of knowledge co-production, while at the same time remaining primarily driven by state agencies and directed by technical experts. Efforts to overcome governance weaknesses should focus on further strengthening existing practices for climate change responses, establishing new institutions, and promoting decision-making that incorporates diverse social actors and multiple levels of governance. In particular, stronger inclusion of local level actors provides an opportunity to enhance polycentric modes of governance and improve climate change responses. Fully capitalizing on this opportunity requires establishing durable communication channels between different levels of governance.
Benavides, C., Diaz, M., O' Ryan, R., Gwinner, S., & Sierra, E. (2021). Methodology to analyse the impact of an emissions trading system in Chile. Clim. Policy, 21(8), 1099–1110.
Abstract: In the context of updating the 2015 Nationally Determined Contribution (NDC), the government of Chile has updated its estimates of compliance costs for a series of mitigation actions with an emphasis on the energy sector as the main source of its greenhouse gas emissions. Using the information developed in this process, we assess the impact on compliance costs of increasing the flexibility for sources by introducing different emissions trading schemes. For this we develop a detailed optimization model that represents the operational and investment decisions that could be taken by the energy generation, industrial and mining sectors if an Emissions Trading System (ETS) was implemented. An ETS with two cap and trade options is analysed together with an offset mechanism for sources not included in the ETS. Also, two policy goals are considered: a stringent 76% sectoral reduction goal in 2050 similar to Chile's current strict NDC, and a more lax 46% goal similar to Chile's initial 2015 NDC proposal. The results show that (i) cost reductions from increased flexibility for Chile's current strict NDC are significant, and that offsets can play an important role; (ii) the stringency of the reduction goal affects the magnitude of the cost savings related to flexibility and, surprisingly, total abatement costs are negative (i.e. there are benefits) for the 46% reduction goal. In this latter case, the most significant cost reductions result from compelling firms to comply with their allowances in each sector, not increased flexibility. These results highlight the policy relevance of case by case analysis using a modelling approach similar to the one we develop here. Key policy insights ETS implementation can help Chile meet its mitigation commitment for 2050. The compliance costs can vary significantly depending on the flexibility implemented in the emissions trading schemes. Optimization models can help decision-makers define the attributes of an ETS, such as the sectors that should participate, the cap, and the percentage of offsets. The proposed methodology also highlights and quantifies the offsets that can be acquired from sectors that are not part of an ETS, such as forestry, agriculture, and the waste sector. The possibility to acquire of offsets could reduce significantly the cost for industries that participate of an ETS.
Chadwick, C., Gironas, J., Gonzalez-Leiva, F., & Aedo, S. (2023). Bias adjustment to preserve changes in variability: the unbiased mapping of GCM changes. Hydrol. Sci., Early Access.
Abstract: Standard quantile mapping (QM) performs well, as a bias adjustment method, in removing historical climate biases, but it can significantly alter a global climate model (GCM) signal. Methods that do incorporate GCM changes commonly consider mean changes only. Quantile delta mapping (QDM) is an exception, as it explicitly preserves relative changes in the quantiles, but it might present biases in preserving GCMs changes in standard deviation. In this work we propose the unbiased quantile mapping (UQM) method, which by construction preserves GCM changes of the mean and the standard deviation. Synthetic experiments and four Chilean locations are used to compare the performance of UQM against QDM, QM, detrended quantile mapping, and scale distribution mapping. All the methods outperform QM, but a tradeoff exists between preserving the GCM relative changes in the quantiles (QDM is recommended in this case), or changes in the GCM moments (UQM is recommended in this case).
de Perez, E. C., Fuentes, I., Jack, C., Kruczkiewicz, A., Pinto, I., & Stephens, E. (2023). Different types of drought under climate change or geoengineering: Systematic review of societal implications. Front. Clim., 4, 959519.
Abstract: Climate change and solar geoengineering have different implications for drought. Climate change can “speed up” the hydrological cycle, but it causesgreater evapotranspiration than the historical climate because of higher temperatures. Solar geoengineering (stratospheric aerosol injection), on the other hand, tends to “slow down” the hydrological cycle while reducing potential evapotranspiration. There are two common definitions of drought that take this into account; rainfall-only (SPI) and potential-evapotranspiration (SPEI). In different regions of Africa, this can result in different versions of droughts for each scenario, with drier rainfall (SPI) droughts under geoengineering and drier potential-evapotranspiration (SPEI) droughts under climate change. However, the societal implications of these different types of drought are not clear. We present a systematic review of all papers comparing the relationship between real-world outcomes (streamflow, vegetation, and agricultural yields) with these two definitions of drought in Africa. We also correlate the two drought definitions (SPI and SPEI) with historical vegetation conditions across the continent. We find that potential-evapotranspiration-droughts (SPEI) tend to be more closely related with vegetation conditions, while rainfall-droughts (SPI) tend to be more closely related with streamflows across Africa. In many regions, adaptation plans are likely to be affected differently by these two drought types. In parts of East Africa and coastal West Africa, geoengineering could exacerbate both types of drought, which has implications for current investments in water infrastructure. The reverse is true in parts of Southern Africa. In the Sahel, sectors more sensitive to rainfall-drought (SPI), such as reservoir management, could see reduced water availability under solar geoengineering, while sectors more sensitive to potential-evapotranspiration-drought (SPEI), such as rainfed agriculture, could see increased water availability under solar geoengineering. Given that the implications of climate change and solar geoengineering futures are different in different regions and also for different sectors, we recommend that deliberations on solar geoengineering include the widest possible representation of stakeholders.
Ibarra, C., Jimenez, G., O'Ryan, R., Blanco, G., Cordero, L., Insunza, X., et al. (2022). Scientists and climate governance: A view from the South. Environ. Sci. Policy, 137, 396–405.
Abstract: The importance of science for climate governance has strengthened over time and the topic inspires prolific academic writing on the influence of scientists and scientific knowledge on policy decisions. One of the streams of research in the field is inspired by Cash ' s (2003) seminal work highlighting how the role of scientists depends on perceptions of salience, credibility and legitimacy. Other views call for attention to the politics involved in scientific performance while influencing policy and on the local circumstances, considering the many ways in which societies relate to science and expertise. The role of scientists in climate governance is a contested issue, relevant for many research centres aiming to influence policy decisions given the urgency of the climate crisis. To better understand this role, we reviewed mainstream international literature and identified four main ap-proaches, which we label: scientific usable knowledge, politics of science, critical approaches and hybrid ap-proaches. We contrasted the results with the experience of scientists from a Chilean climate research centre, to provide a view from the South on the role of scientists in climate governance. Our results show that Cash ' s approach was a common ground for Chilean climate scientists, upon which they build ideas on the importance of building long-term relationships between scientists and policy makers. However, they also acknowledged the need to take into consideration the role of politics in climate-related decisions and the power relations and actor ' s interests.
Lardies, M. A., Arias, M. B., Poupin, M. J., & Bacigalupe, L. D. (2014). Heritability of hsp70 expression in the beetle Tenebrio molitor: Ontogenetic and environmental effects. J. Insect Physiol., 67, 70–75.
Abstract: Ectotherms constitute the vast majority of terrestrial biodiversity and are especially likely to be vulnerable to climate warming because their basic physiological functions such as locomotion, growth, and reproduction are strongly influenced by environmental temperature. An integrated view about the effects of global warming will be reached not just establishing how the increase in mean temperature impacts the natural populations but also establishing the effects of the increase in temperature variance. One of the molecular responses that are activated in a cell under a temperature stress is the heat shock protein response (HSP). Some studies that have detected consistent differences among thermal treatments and ontogenetic stages in HSP70 expression have assumed that these differences had a genetic basis and consequently expression would be heritable. We tested for changes in quantitative genetic parameters of HSP70 expression in a half-sib design where individuals of the beetle Tenebrio molitor were maintained in constant and varying thermal environments. We estimated heritability of HSP70 expression using a linear mixed modelling approach in different ontogenetic stages. Expression levels of HSP70 were consistently higher in the variable environment and heritability estimates were low to moderate. The results imply that within each ontogenetic stage additive genetic variance was higher in the variable environment and in adults compared with constant environment and larvae stage, respectively. We found that almost all the genetic correlations across ontogenetic stages and environment were positive. These suggest that directional selection for higher levels of expression in one environment will result in higher expression levels of HSP70 on the other environment for the same ontogenetic stage. (C) 2014 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Lopez, D., Leiva, A. M., Arismendi, W., & Vidal, G. (2019). Influence of design and operational parameters on the pathogens reduction in constructed wetland under the climate change scenario. Rev. Environ. Sci. Bio-Technol., 18(1), 101–125.
Abstract: Under the climate change scenario, constructed wetlands (CWs) as an engineered system for treating domestic wastewater will face different challenges. Some of them are: (a) the increase of pathogens concentration in wastewater due to the rise of global temperature; (b) higher precipitation that can cause an increase of pathogens due to runoff; (c) the reuse of treated wastewater related to the water scarcity. These problems can affect the capacity of CWs for removal pathogens. In this context, the objective of this review is to provide an overview of the influence of design and operational parameters on pathogens reduction in CWs. To accomplish with this purpose, the published information (>30 studies) about the reduction of pathogens and the operational and design parameters in different CWs configurations and were gathered. With this data, statistical analyses were performed considering the most relevant variables which significantly influence the removal of pathogens in CWs. For this, principal component analyses (PCA) were achieved for determining, separately, the correlation of operational parameters with fecal coliform (FC) and total coliform (TC) removal. The results of PCA showed that FC and TC were correlated positively with mass removal rates of chemical oxygen demand (COD) and biological oxygen Demand (BOD5), total suspended solids (TSS) removal and the size of support medium. This study is the first approach that analyzes together the design and operational parameters which influence the pathogen removal in CWs. For this reason, these parameters and the increase on microorganism concentrations due to the climate change have to be considered for the future design of CWs.
Martinez, D., Chadwick, C., & Plaza-Aguilar, A. (2023). The Time of Emergence (ToE) of the Andean Mediterranean sclerophyllous forest of Quillaja saponaria (Mol.) and Lithraea caustica (mol.) Hox. & Arn. Forest. Ecol. Manag., 544, 121169.
Abstract: Climate change has intensified in recent decades, leading to increasingly severe droughts. This trend will continue due to the emissions and increasing concentration of greenhouse gas (GHG). One of the main direct climate change consequences is the modification and alteration of the dynamics and function of forest ecosystems, having effects ranging from physiological alterations in plants to definitive changes in their geographical distribution. Mediterranean ecosystems are particularly threatened, where the sclerophyllous forest of central Chile that is considered a biodiversity hotspot, is no exception. Despite that sclerophyllous species present drought adaptation mechanisms, there is no certainty of the climatic minimum thresholds in which it develops, or when climate changes will exceed these thresholds, causing definitive changes in its distribution. To evaluate these changes on the Andean Mediterranean Sclerophyllous Forest vegetation belt of Quillaja saponaria and Lithraea caustica, the forest was divided into six quadrants with similar climates. In each quadrant, a critical threshold of a simplified water balance (SWB) was defined where the forest has historically developed. The SWB is considered to be a limiting factor in the forest development. Then, the Time of Emergence (ToE) of the forest is estimated, as the time when climate change projections exceed the critical thresholds, by using CMIP6 General Circulation Models (GCM), under SSP2-4.5 (moderate) and SSP5-8.5 (pessimistic) scenarios. Results indicate that the forest would begin to be displaced between 2060 and 2080 under the SSP5-8.5 scenario, particularly in the Talagante, Isla de Maipo, Paine, and Don & SIM;ihue area, while no distribution changes are presented under SSP2-4.5 scenario.
Navarrete, S. A., Barahona, M., Weidberg, N., & Broitman, B. R. (2022). Climate change in the coastal ocean: shifts in pelagic productivity and regionally diverging dynamics of coastal ecosystems. Proc. R. Soc. B-Biol. Sci., 289(1970).
Abstract: Climate change has led to intensification and poleward migration of the Southeastern Pacific Anticyclone, forcing diverging regions of increasing, equatorward and decreasing, poleward coastal phytoplankton productivity along the Humboldt Upwelling Ecosystem, and a transition zone around 31 degrees S. Using a 20-year dataset of barnacle larval recruitment and adult abundances, we show that striking increases in larval arrival have occurred since 1999 in the region of higher productivity, while slower but significantly negative trends dominate poleward of 30 degrees S, where years of recruitment failure are now common. Rapid increases in benthic adults result from fast recruitment-stock feedbacks following increased recruitment. Slower population declines in the decreased productivity region may result from aging but still reproducing adults that provide temporary insurance against population collapses. Thus, in this region of the ocean where surface waters have been cooling down, climate change is transforming coastal pelagic and benthic ecosystems through altering primary productivity, which seems to propagate up the food web at rates modulated by stock-recruitment feedbacks and storage effects. Slower effects of downward productivity warn us that poleward stocks may be closer to collapse than current abundances may suggest.
Neelin, J. D., Martinez-Villalobos, C., Stechmann, S. N., Ahmed, F., Chen, G., Norris, J. M., et al. (2022). Precipitation Extremes and Water Vapor Relationships in Current Climate and Implications for Climate Change. Curr. Clim. Change Rep., 8(1), 17–33.
Abstract: Purpose of Review: Review our current understanding of how precipitation is related to its thermodynamic environment, i.e., the water vapor and temperature in the surroundings, and implications for changes in extremes in a warmer climate. Recent Findings: Multiple research threads have i) sought empirical relationships that govern onset of strong convective precipitation, or that might identify how precipitation extremes scale with changes in temperature; ii) examined how such extremes change with water vapor in global and regional climate models under warming scenarios; iii) identified fundamental processes that set the characteristic shapes of precipitation distributions. While water vapor increases tend to be governed by the Clausius-Clapeyron relationship to temperature, precipitation extreme changes are more complex and can increase more rapidly, particularly in the tropics. Progress may be aided by bringing separate research threads together and by casting theory in terms of a full explanation of the precipitation probability distribution.
O' Ryan, R., Benavides, C., Diaz, M., San Martin, J. P., & Mallea, J. (2019). Using probabilistic analysis to improve greenhouse gas baseline forecasts in developing country contexts: the case of Chile. Clim. Policy, 19(3), 299–314.
Abstract: In this paper, initial steps are presented toward characterizing, quantifying, incorporating and communicating uncertainty applying a probabilistic analysis to countrywide emission baseline forecasts, using Chile as a case study. Most GHG emission forecasts used by regulators are based on bottom-up deterministic approaches. Uncertainty is usually incorporated through sensitivity analysis and/or use of different scenarios. However, much of the available information on uncertainty is not systematically included. The deterministic approach also gives a wide range of variation in values without a clear sense of probability of the expected emissions, making it difficult to establish both the mitigation contributions and the subsequent policy prescriptions for the future. To improve on this practice, we have systematically included uncertainty into a bottom-up approach, incorporating it in key variables that affect expected GHG emissions, using readily available information, and establishing expected baseline emissions trajectories rather than scenarios. The resulting emission trajectories make explicit the probability percentiles, reflecting uncertainties as well as possible using readily available information in a manner that is relevant to the decision making process. Additionally, for the case of Chile, contradictory deterministic results are eliminated, and it is shown that, whereas under a deterministic approach Chile's mitigation ambition does not seem high, the probabilistic approach suggests this is not necessarily the case. It is concluded that using a probabilistic approach allows a better characterization of uncertainty using existing data and modelling capacities that are usually weak in developing country contexts. Key policy insights Probabilistic analysis allows incorporating uncertainty systematically into key variables for baseline greenhouse gas emission scenario projections. By using probabilistic analysis, the policymaker can be better informed as to future emission trajectories. Probabilistic analysis can be done with readily available data and expertise, using the usual models preferred by policymakers, even in developing country contexts.
Orostica, M. H., Hawkins, S. J., Broitman, B. R., & Jenkins, S. R. (2021). Performance of a warm-water limpet species towards its poleward range edge compared to a colder-water congener. Mar. Ecol.-Prog. Ser., 656, 207–225.
Abstract: The demography and individual performance of species at their range edges provide important insight into how climate warming is impacting species distributions. The boreal limpet Patella vulgata and the Lusitanian limpet P. depressa have overlapping geographic ranges and local distributions in Britain. We measured individual performance at the 2 leading edges of P. depressa distribution (North Wales and South/South-east England) and in non-range edge populations in South-west England. Individuals of P. depressa towards both leading edges were expected to have reduced growth rates and higher mortality rates when compared with non-range edge populations. Conversely, P. vulgata was expected to have equivalent performance across regions, coinciding with the centre of its range. Tagged individuals did not show betweenspecies differences in growth and mortality over a 12 mo period. Nonetheless, individual growth rates and population mortality rates of both Patella species were higher towards the range edge of P. depressa in South/South-east England, when compared with populations at its poleward edge and those in South-west England. Further analysis showed that growth and mortality rates were higher in denser populations for both P. depressa and P. vulgata, with equivalent site-specific performance patterns for both species in all regions. Thus, performance patterns of P. depressa reflected local factors in the same way as P. vulgata, overriding patterns of declining performance expected towards species borders. Comparisons between key congeneric species and their unexpected patterns of performance across their ranges provide insights into processes setting species boundaries and thereby their responses to climate change.
Ruffino, B., Campo, G., Crutchik, D., Reyes, A., & Zanetti, M. (2022). Drinking Water Supply in the Region of Antofagasta (Chile): A Challenge between Past, Present and Future. Int. J. Environ. Res. Public Health, 19(21), 14406.
Abstract: Since the mid-nineteen century, when the first mining companies were established in the region of Antofagasta to extract saltpeter, mining managers and civil authorities have always had to face a number of problems to secure a water supply sufficient for the development of industrial activities and society. The unique features of the region, namely the scarcity of rainfall, the high concentration of arsenic in freshwaters and the increasing pressure of the mining sector, have made the supply of drinking water for local communities a challenge. In the 1950s, the town of Antofagasta experienced a serious drinking water crisis. The 300 km long aqueduct starting from the Toconce catchment, opened in 1958, temporarily ended this shortage of drinking water but created an even more dramatic problem. The concentration of arsenic in the water consumed by the population had grown by approx. ten times, reaching the value of 0.860 mg/L and seriously affecting people's health. The water treatment plants (WTPs) which were installed starting from the 1970s in the region (namely the Old and New Salar del Carmen in Antofagasta and Cerro Topater in Calama, plus the two recent desalination plants in Antofagasta and Tocopilla), have ensured, since 2014, that the drinking water coverage in the urban areas was practically universal (>99.9%). However, the rural areas have continued to experience significant shortcomings regarding their capacity to ensure the quality and continuity of the water supply service in the long run. Presently, approx. 42% of the rural population of the region of Antofagasta does not have a formal supply of drinking water. The recent amendments to the Chilean Water Code (March 2022) and the interventions carried out in the framework of the Agua Potable Rural (APR) program were intended to reduce the socio-ecological inequalities due to the lack of drinking water in the semi-concentrated and isolated rural population.
Schmidt-Rivera, X. S., Rodgers, B., Odanye, T., Jalil-Vega, F., & Farmer, J. (2023). The role of aeroponic container farms in sustainable food systems – The environmental credentials. Sci. Total Environ., 860, 160420.
Abstract: Sustainable food production and consumption are key to face the current climate and environmental crisis, hence innovation to produce food with lower impacts are taking more attention. Controlled environment agriculture, also known as vertical farming, is seen as one innovative approach to reduce impacts of producing food while also improv-ing food security. Aeroponic is one of such innovations, which environmental impacts have not been well understood yet. Therefore, this study assesses the environmental impacts of aeroponic farm container system in the UK, including a full set of 19 indicators. The results show that energy requirements drive all the impacts, with climate change estimated at 1.52 kg CO2eq. per 1 kg of microgreens (pea shoots) using 2021 UK grid. Renewable powered systems improve almost all the impacts, with climate change reduced by up to 80 %, making this system competitive with con-ventional agricultural systems. This study proves that aeroponic farm container could offer lower impact food than equivalent imported to the UK, and that also could improve food security in terms of availability, stability, and access to food. Affordability issues need to be assessed in future work.
Vera, R., Valverde, B., Olave, E., Diaz-Gomez, A., Sanchez-Gonzalez, R., Munoz, L., et al. (2022). Corrosion Behavior of Copper Exposed in Marine Tropical Atmosphere in Rapa Nui (Easter Island) Chile 20 Years after MICAT. Metals, 12(12), 2082.
Abstract: Atmospheric corrosion of copper, exposed on a tropical island in the South-Central Pacific Ocean, was reported and compared with those of a very similar study at the same site conducted 20 years earlier. The new measurements-taken over three years of exposure, from 2010 to 2013-quantified corrosion by mass loss, characterized corrosion products by X-ray diffraction (DRX) and Raman techniques, observed the attack morphology by Scanning Electron Microscope (SEM), and evaluated the patina resistance using electrochemical techniques. The results showed a copper corrosivity category of C4, and the main copper patina compound, cuprite, was porous, nonhomogeneous, and thin. Electrochemical measurements showed cuprite layer growth as a function of the exposure time, and the morphology did not favor corrosion protection. Finally, when comparing the results to those of a study 22 years previous, the copper corrosion rates increased only slightly, even with increased contaminants associated with growing local populations and continuous tourism on the island.
Zavala, C., Babonneau, F., & Homem-de-Mello, T. (2023). Measuring the impact of regional climate change on heating and cooling demand for the Chilean energy transition. J. Clean. Prod., 428, 139390.
Abstract: The regional impact of climate change on heating and cooling demand is important to consider when designing optimal long-term energy policies. Several studies have addressed this issue, but either at a very aggregated level or without optimizing the whole energy system. The aims of this paper are to fill this gap in a generic way and to assess the impact of climate change on heating and cooling energy demands for residential and commercial sectors at the regional and nodal levels in the context of Chile's energy transition. We propose a methodology based on high resolution climate simulations for the Representative Concentration Pathways (RCP) RCP 2.6 and RCP 8.5 scenarios. First, a statistical analysis is performed to estimate the long-term trends of so-called heating and cooling degree-days and their impact on final regional energy demands. Then, demand pathways in the energy transition are assessed using a multi-sectoral energy planning model. Numerical experiments using data from Chile show an overall positive economic impact of climate change (limited to heating and cooling demands) for the energy system, with a significant decrease in heating demand compared to a limited increase in cooling requirements. For the RCP 8.5 scenario, cost reductions reach 2.1% of the total discounted system cost on the 2020-2050 period mainly due to a significant decrease of gas consumption for heating. This research highlights the importance for policymakers to consider climate change in efficient energy policies.