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Aledo, J. A., Goles, E., Montalva-Medel, M., Montealegre, P., & Valverde, J. C. (2023). Symmetrizable Boolean networks. Inf. Sci., 626, 787–804.
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Alfaro, J., Rubio, C., & San Martin, M. (2023). Cosmological Fluctuations in Delta Gravity. Universe, 9(7), 315.
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Alvarez-Miranda, E., Chace, S., & Pereira, J. (2021). Assembly line balancing with parallel workstations. Int. J. Prod. Res., 59(21), 6486–6506.
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Alves, P. N., Melo, I. C., Santos, R. D., da Rocha, F. V., & Caixeta, J. V. (2022). How did COVID-19 affect green-fuel supply chain? – A performance analysis of Brazilian ethanol sector. Res. Transp. Econ., 93, 101137.
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Aquea, F., Timmermann, T., & Herrera-Vasquez, A. (2017). Chemical inhibition of the histone acetyltransferase activity in Arabidopsis thaliana. Biochem. Biophys. Res. Commun., 483(1), 664–668.
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Aracena, J., Demongeot, J., Fanchon, E., & Montalva, M. (2013). On the number of different dynamics in Boolean networks with deterministic update schedules. Math. Biosci., 242(2), 188–194.
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Aracena, J., Goles, E., Moreira, A., & Salinas, L. (2009). On the robustness of update schedules in Boolean networks. Biosystems, 97(1), 1–8.
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Araneda, A. A., & Villena, M. J. (2021). Computing the CEV option pricing formula using the semiclassical approximation of path integral. J. Comput. Appl. Math., 388, 113244.
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Araya-Letelier, G., Concha-Riedel, J., Antico, F. C., & Sandoval, C. (2019). Experimental mechanical-damage assessment of earthen mixes reinforced with micro polypropylene fibers. Constr. Build. Mater., 198, 762–776.
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Araya-Letelier, G., Parra, P. F., Lopez-Garcia, D., Garcia-Valdes, A., Candia, G., & Lagos, R. (2019). Collapse risk assessment of a Chilean dual wall-frame reinforced concrete office building. Eng. Struct., 183, 770–779.
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Asenjo, F. A., & Mahajan, S. M. (2015). Relativistic quantum vorticity of the quadratic form of the Dirac equation. Phys. Scr., 90(1), 4 pp.
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Ashina, C., Pugazhenthiran, N., Sathishkumar, P., Selvaraj, M., Assiri, M. A., Rajasekaran, C., et al. (2023). Ultra-small Ni@NiFe2O4/TiO2 magnetic nanocomposites activated peroxymonosulphate for solar light-driven photocatalytic mineralization of Simazine. J. Environ. Chem. Eng., 11(6), 111342.
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Attard, M., & Balbontin, C. (2024). Workshop 6 report: Micromobility movement in urban transport. Res. Transp. Econ., 103, 101399.
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Ayala, F., Saez, E., & Magna-Verdugo, C. (2022). Computational modelling of dynamic soil-structure interaction in shear wall buildings with basements in medium stiffness sandy soils using a subdomain spectral element approach calibrated by micro-vibrations. Eng. Struct., 252, 113668.
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Baler, R. V., Wijnhoven, I. B., del Valle, V. I., Giovanetti, C. M., & Vivanco, J. F. (2019). Microporosity Clustering Assessment in Calcium Phosphate Bioceramic Particles. Front. Bioeng. Biotechnol., 7(281), 7 pp.
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Beltran, J. F., Zamorano, M., Belen, L. H., Risopatron, J., Valdebenito, I., Norambuena, J. A., et al. (2021). A differential proteomic study reveals the downregulation of several plasma membrane Ca2+-binding proteins in the sperm of Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar) following cold storage. Aquaculture, 545, 737211.
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Benitez-Llambay, P., Krapp, L., Ramos, X. S., & Kratter, K. M. (2023). RAM: Rapid Advection Algorithm on Arbitrary Meshes. Astron. J., 952(2), 106.
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Bitran, E., Rivera, P., & Villena, M. J. (2014). Water management problems in the Copiapo Basin, Chile: markets, severe scarcity and the regulator. Water Policy, 16(5), 844–863.
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Bitran, G., & Mondschein, S. (2015). Why individualized contact policies are critical in the mass affluent market. Acad.-Rev. Latinoam. Adm., 28(2), 251–272.
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Bonassa, G., Bolsan, A. C., Hollas, C. E., Venturin, B., Candido, D., Chini, A., et al. (2021). Organic carbon bioavailability: Is it a good driver to choose the best biological nitrogen removal process? Sci. Total Environ., 786, 147390.
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