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Long, F., Ren, B. B., Wallack, N. L., Harsono, D., Herczeg, G. J., Pinilla, P., et al. (2023). A Large Double-ring Disk Around the Taurus M Dwarf J04124068+2438157. Astrophys. J., 949(1), 27.
Abstract: Planet formation imprints signatures on the physical structures of disks. In this paper, we present high-resolution (similar to 50 mas, 8 au) Atacama Large Millimeter/submillimeter Array observations of 1.3 mm dust continuum and CO line emission toward the disk around the M3.5 star 2MASSJ04124068+2438157. The dust disk consists of only two narrow rings at radial distances of 0 47 and 0 78 (similar to 70 and 116 au), with Gaussian sigma widths of 5.6 and 8.5 au, respectively. The width of the outer ring is smaller than the estimated pressure scale height by similar to 25%, suggesting dust trapping in a radial pressure bump. The dust disk size, set by the location of the outermost ring, is significantly larger (by 3 sigma) than other disks with similar millimeter luminosity, which can be explained by an early formation of local pressure bump to stop radial drift of millimeter dust grains. After considering the disk's physical structure and accretion properties, we prefer planet-disk interaction over dead zone or photoevaporation models to explain the observed dust disk morphology. We carry out high-contrast imaging at the L' band using Keck/NIRC2 to search for potential young planets, but do not identify any source above 5 sigma. Within the dust gap between the two rings, we reach a contrast level of similar to 7 mag, constraining the possible planet below similar to 2-4M(Jup). Analyses of the gap/ring properties suggest that an approximately Saturn-mass planet at similar to 90 au is likely responsible for the formation of the outer ring, which can potentially be revealed with JWST.
van der Marel, N., & Mulders, G. D. (2021). A Stellar Mass Dependence of Structured Disks: A Possible Link with Exoplanet Demographics. Astron. J., 162(1), 28.
Abstract: Gaps in protoplanetary disks have long been hailed as signposts of planet formation. However, a direct link between exoplanets and disks remains hard to identify. We present a large sample study of ALMA disk surveys of nearby star-forming regions to disentangle this connection. All disks are classified as either structured (transition, ring, extended) or nonstructured (compact) disks. Although low-resolution observations may not identify large-scale substructure, we assume that an extended disk must contain substructure from a dust evolution argument. A comparison across ages reveals that structured disks retain high dust masses up to at least 10 Myr, whereas the dust mass of compact, nonstructured disks decreases over time. This can be understood if the dust mass evolves primarily by radial drift, unless drift is prevented by pressure bumps. We identify a stellar mass dependence of the fraction of structured disks. We propose a scenario linking this dependence with that of giant exoplanet occurrence rates. We show that there are enough exoplanets to account for the observed disk structures if transitional disks are created by exoplanets more massive than Jupiter and ring disks by exoplanets more massive than Neptune, under the assumption that most of those planets eventually migrate inwards. On the other hand, the known anticorrelation between transiting super-Earths and stellar mass implies those planets must form in the disks without observed structure, consistent with formation through pebble accretion in drift-dominated disks. These findings support an evolutionary scenario where the early formation of giant planets determines the disk's dust evolution and its observational appearance.