Becker, F., Montealegre, P., Rapaport, I., & Todinca, I. (2021). The role of randomness in the broadcast congested clique model. Inf. Comput., 281, 104669.
Abstract: We study the role of randomness in the broadcast congested clique model. This is a message-passing model of distributed computation where the nodes of a network know their local neighborhoods and they broadcast, in synchronous rounds, messages that are visible to every other node.
This works aims to separate three different settings: deterministic protocols, randomized protocols with private coins, and randomized protocols with public coins. We obtain the following results:
If more than one round is allowed, public randomness is as powerful as private ran-domness.
One-round public-coin algorithms can be exponentially more powerful than determin-istic algorithms running in several rounds.
One-round public-coin algorithms can be exponentially more powerful than one-round private-coin algorithms.
One-round private-coin algorithms can be exponentially more powerful than one-round deterministic algorithms.