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Corral, N., Anrique, N., Fernandes, D., Parrado, C., & Caceres, G. (2012). Power, placement and LEC evaluation to install CSP plants in northern Chile. Renew. Sust. Energ. Rev., 16(9), 6678–6685.
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Hernandez, N., Fuentes, A., Reszka, P., & Fernandez-Pello, A. C. (2019). Piloted ignition delay times on optically thin PMMA cylinders. Proc. Combust. Inst., 37(3), 3993–4000.
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Mahajan, S. M., & Asenjo, F. A. (2023). Parametric amplification of electromagnetic plasma waves in resonance with a dispersive background gravitational wave. Phys. Rev. E, 107(3), 035205.
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Mahajan, S. M., Asenjo, F. A., & Hazeltine, R. D. (2015). Comparison of the electron-spin force and radiation reaction force. Mon. Not. Roy. Astron. Soc., 446(4), 4112–4115.
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Navarro, H., Marco, L. M., Araneda, A. A., & Bennun, L. (2019). Spatial distribution of Si in Pinus Insigne (Pinus radiata) Wood using micro XRF by Synchrotron Radiation. J. Wood Chem. Technol., 39(3), 187–198.
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Parot, R., Rivera, J. I., Reszka, P., Torero, J. L., & Fuentes, A. (2022). A simplified analytical model for radiation dominated ignition of solid fuels exposed to multiple non-steady heat fluxes. Combust. Flame, 237, 111866.
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Vera, R., Araya, R., Garin, C., Ossandon, S., & Rojas, P. (2019). Study on the effect of atmospheric corrosion on mechanical properties with impact test: Carbon steel and Galvanized steel. Mater. Corros., 70(7), 1151–1161.
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Zhang, H. L., Baeyens, J., Degreve, J., & Caceres, G. (2013). Concentrated solar power plants: Review and design methodology. Renew. Sust. Energ. Rev., 22, 466–481.
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