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Baudin, K., Fusaro, A., Garnier, J., Berti, N., Krupa, K., Carusotto, I.:, Rica, S., et al. (2021). Energy and wave-action flows underlying Rayleigh-Jeans thermalization of optical waves propagating in a multimode fiber((a)). EPL, 134(1), 14001.
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During, G., Josserand, C., & Rica, S. (2017). Wave turbulence theory of elastic plates. Physica D, 347, 42–73.
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During, G., Picozzi, A., & Rica, S. (2009). Breakdown of weak-turbulence and nonlinear wave condensation. Physica D, 238(16), 1524–1549.
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Picozzi, A., & Rica, S. (2012). Condensation of classical optical waves beyond the cubic nonlinear Schrodinger equation. Opt. Commun., 285(24), 5440–5448.
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